Me and my Papa

It's a new day in the town of Mashford and young Lupus has fallen asleep at his laptop, his little head laying on the keyboard and drooling all over it as he twitches in his sleep, dreaming about chasing rabbits through the forest.Closer and closer...

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The Heralds Tale

It was raining outside in a small unnamed city on the east coast of America. Lupus new that his human, Kate, would probably wait until after school to walk him in the hope that it would stop raining: but he didn't care. He sat patiently at the bottom...

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The Wolf and the Tigress

In the middle if a thick dark forest, a black red and white wolf crawled along on it's belly, stalking a small deer with an injured leg. His large heavy paw pressed on a twig smashing the slience causing the grazing deer to look up sharply. Panicky...

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Preview (still in the works) of new series

The door to the medical room opened and a small otter female walked in, only about 18 years old Lupus knew her, Rivet the accomplished apprentice of the doctor at the mansion. She quickly flattened her silky brown fur that wasn't covered by her lab...

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