Moosed Part 5

"you twin bonded them?" bob asks. "i did, and i'm blissfully happy" i say kissing dougie. "open bonded, i hope?" bob asks. "i think he wants to ride the moose" jed says laughing. jed kisses him.

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Skunked Part 1

(dad always figured we'd twin bond someone, but we didn't. got father and son mates though, and as tight as skunks bond we might as well of bonded them together. as we'll be very close) i hear my name called and i turn. nigel and emil are here.

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Claude at the Bear Den 1

(bob will shortly bond to us, and we're a happy little triad in a tight twin bond. bob is teddy's fraternal twin, though they look more alike than jeb and i do, and theoretically jeb and i are identical twins.

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