Claude at the Bear Den 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#102 of Claude gay stories

Claude meets and bond a big Grizzly Bear bartender and then gets into a small sex party at the bar

My twin brother and I have become Physicians at the ripe old age of 20. We're considered geniuses like our Maternal Grandfather. Dr Walter Claude Russell. He's a PhD Physicist, winner of last years Nobel Prize in Physics. He loves his Grandsons and comes out to visit us as often as he can. He's an attractive older Lion. Mom died giving birth to us, so we never knew her. All we know of her is what Grandpa told us. Dad hurts too bad still to talk to us about her and he's glad Grandpa Walt did.. Still, Grandpa Walt is a hot, distinguished looking older Lion top with a decided taste for his Grandson's ass And he's an amazing lover. I've had a serious crush on him since I was a little cub. I'd drop his litter gladly even though they'd be my Uncles.

Dad's close to Grandpa Russell, and they get along very well. And he's been a loving father to us. Despite being the CEO and owner of a Fortune Top 25 company. CMK industries, started by his own father. We're rich. When Grandpa Kitman died he left my twin brother Jeb and I $545 Million apiece. He was proud of us going through school so quickly. We'd just graduated Pre Med at age 14 when he died. (He knew that we'd inherited our genius minds from Walt Russell, but he didn't care, he adored his Lion Grandsons so much anyway. And was proud of us.)

He loved us a lot. The gruff Lion businesscat, that terror of the board rooms, adored his twin Lion grandsons. His face would soften the minute he'd see us. (His staff would try to get Dad to bring us to CMK as often as he could. Grandpa would soften and actually treat his employees better when we were there. So they loved us too.) He loved me, but he adored Jeb, as Jeb was so much like him. But I have no complaints about how he loved me, he was so good to us both. And Dad told us he even treated him better.

"He turned into a completely different Lion the moment you two were born" Dad told us at Grandpa Kitman's funeral. Dad cried as he told us how his own father reacted when he first held us as newborn cubs. He'd sit us in his lap when we were a little older. He'd unburden himself to us. We were too young then to understand what all he'd tell us. But when we got older I understood. When Grandpa was on his death bed I told him how glad I was that he was able to share his pains and sorrows with Jeb and I. He held my paw and wept. He was grateful to be understood by us. Jeb and Dad and I stayed by his bed until he died, Grandpa was holding Dad and Jeb's paws and I was stroking his mane when he passed on. When they read his will , Jeb and I looked at each other. We knew what the other was thinking. We'd of given every penny back for just one more day with Grandpa Claude. We told Dad and he wept too. He understood how much we loved his Dad.

We may not have ever known our mother, but we didn't lack for love. Dad's long time English Born family retainer, Edward Featherstone, helped raise us. Edward is a bigger than normal Red Fox, he's always been there for Jeb and I. Tending us, guiding us carefully and he's as proud of us as Dad is. Edward is the one we went to with the skinned knees and other childhood pains. Dad was there too, but Edward was almost always home. Edward taught us to deal with life's little adversities with our heads held high and with all the dignity we could muster. And to always keep moving forwards. "Today might be bad, but tomorrow is coming, so you'd best be prepared for what it will bring" he'd say in that 'English voice' he'd use when he was being the 'proper English retainer'.

Dad's long time bond mate lives with us and has since we were little cubs. Beau Wilson is a big, burly Saber Tooth Tiger. Stocky and a bit fat, the words that come to mind when you meet him are 'built like a brick shithouse'. Solid and sturdy and burly as Hell. (He's amused when he first meets my Teddy as they're built so much alike. Beau called Teddy 'a solid wall of Bear'. He said the same thing about Bob ) He's a big Redneck with a huge heart.(Big Feline Dick too, Dad's a top, and Beau's more than happy to work out his top urges on my ass. He's an amazing Feline top. Teddy not only lets him, he loves to watch me and Beau rut, makes him so hot.) He loves Dad so much. He's always afraid though that he'll embarrass Dad as he dropped out of school in the 8th grade to support his widowed Mom and his younger siblings. Beau was our gardener in Alabama. When Dad moved out here to California with us, well, we were already out here going to College, he sent Edward with us, anyway, Dad made Beau retire. Dad knew Beau had worked hard and full time since he was 8 supporting his family. Dad adores his big Redneck Saber Tooth. I know when I find a mate, I want us to be like Dad and Beau. They love each other and have no trouble telling or showing each other. Beau hates to go to the fancy parties and balls Dad has to go to for his position at CMK. But Beau loves seeing how proud Dad is of his Redneck Saber Tooth at those parties.. And Beau 'cleans up well' as he'd say. He looks amazing in a tux.

I'm Dr Claude Walter Kitman, named after Grandpa Russell with his names reversed. My twin brother is Dr Jebediah Claude Kitman, named after Grandpa Kitman. Also with the name order switched. Dad never told us why he did it that way. We just grew up with those names. Truth be told, my brother didn't like his name while we were in the earlier grades of school. (I was the only one who could get away with calling him Jebediah to his face. Call him anything but Jeb and you'd be toast.) By the time we hit high school, (We were 12 years old BTW) he was used to it and since he was so big already, no one teased him about his name anymore. Not that I had it better with being named Claude. I didn't give a shit though, as it was Grandpa Kitman's first name, and Grandpa Russell's middle name, and I was so proud to carry their names.. I knew we'd be skipping grades soon enough, and leave these losers behind us. We started College at age 13 and that led to another whole set of problems .

Since we'd moved to Sacramento to go to Sacramento State University things were kind of complicated. CMK has a big facility out here and that was one of the reasons we came here. We knew Dad would want to move the main offices out here to be with us. We didn't really know anyone here and that kind of was an advantage in a way. I met my best friend in Med School. Nigel Davenport is an English born Honey Badger. He'd never been away from his parents nor London. And we kind of bonded over our loneliness and our mutual feelings of not fitting in with the college students around us. Nige's 4 years older than we are. He was 17 when we first met, and Jeb and I were 13) Nige and I got close right away. (It was as hard for me to be so far away from Dad and Beau, as it was for Nigel to be away from his Mum and Dad, and I now bring them over when they can come. They're good Badgers and they are so very proud of Nigel.)

Nigel's 5'9", and 165 pounds. Black fur, 2 White stripes on his head and a wide Honey Tan stripe down his back and down his thick Badger tail. And bright Green eyes that are striking.

Jeb wasn't lonely. Outgoing Jock that he is. Smart as I am, but he's a bit bigger than me and athletic and he made friends easily. Jeb's 6'9" to my 6'4" and he's 290 pounds to my 225. We hit puberty and Jeb had a major growth spurt. I kept waiting for mine to hit, and when it did, I didn't get quite as big as Jeb did, he got to looking more like Grandpa Kitman after he went through puberty, while I look more like Grandpa Walt. We're mostly identical otherwise. Same Golden Tan fur, Red Blond colored manes, forepaws etc. We both have Dad's striking Sapphire Blue eyes. Jeb's got a bigger, thicker tail too. So I guess we're not really completely identical. Jeb's outgoing as Hell and folks seem to love him on sight. I'm friendly enough, and when I turn on the charisma they respond to me as well. But I don't always bother. I'm more introverted anyway. I have a few friends and I do quiet things, read, study, write music and sing.

When we finish and are full fledged Doctors, Nigel and I go into practice together, along with our Med School mentor. Dr James Monroe, a big and stocky Lion in his late 30's. Jeb's a Cardiologist in practice with his Med School mentor. Dr Ed Morris, a big English Shire Horse. He's sexy and just came out when his wife divorced him, she was a Lesbian who wanted kids. When they were grown she dumped poor Ed. Not to worry. Ed got bonded right away to a cute little young Palomino, and they're happy.

James is pot bellied and a bit of a 'musclegut' type, the kind that turns me on a lot, but he bonded Nigel as soon as we were done with our training. They live with us now. James' is 6'7" and 260 pounds. Same Golden Tan fur that Jeb and I have, but his mane is Dark Brown, and his eyes are a very sexy Dark Amber. He's Nigel's Lion but he'll take a shot at my ass when he can. He's a hot Lion and a passionate lover. He gave me my first hard barb fucking, made me crazy. I kept cumming, and yowling my little head off as he barbed me all out. His orgasmic roar when he came must have been heard all the way down to LA. He'll do me at times because Nigel can't take his barbs. Nige has tried, but they're too painful for a non Feline to take. The sensations to a Feline top makes them nuts and hot for it. They'll lose it to the feelings and lay into you hard and fast. We Feline bottoms are kind of built to take them. Barb fucking is when the Feline top fucks you running only the barbed portion of his cock in and out of your ass ring. The mixed pain/pleasure sensations drive a Feline bottom crazy. And the top will lose it to the heightened pleasure. Beau will barb me too. I'm kind of a barb slut, but I turn out to be a Bear slut too.

One night, Jeb comes in my room where Nigel and I are reading some medical journals. He teases us both about going out sometime. "I found a hot little gay bar, with a lot of big guys like you both find hot." Jeb teases me. "Come on, it's Friday night, James is on call and you'll be lonely, little Badger, come with us and hang out, and Claude, you really need to get out there and start dating" Jeb says firmly. Nige and I talk a few minutes, and agree to go. "I'll call my friend Mark and see if he wants to go, we'll at least have someone to talk to" Nigel says softly. "I've been wanting to get to know Mark better, he seems like a nice guy" I say.

I remember Mark Edwards well. Only one who got better grades than me in Med School. And I was upset til James told me Mark had been raised and groomed to be a Doctor since he was a little kit.(Both of Mark's parents are Doctors and his Grandparents on both sides were too. James even knows Mark's Dad. A Dr George Carl Edwards.) Mark Edwards is a good friend of Nigel's . He's a short, stocky Striped Skunk with beautiful Azure Blue eyes. Mark is 5'9" and about 205 pounds. Black fur with a White crest down his chest. A pair of thick White stripes down his back running down his wide and thick tail. He's got a handsome face and a soft deep voice. His hair is White too, and he's got a White goatee close trimmed to his face. I'd of dated him, but like Nigel and I both he's a bottom. Nigel calls Mark and he's feeling lonely and agrees to come hang out with us.

Nigel calls James and tells him where we're going. James tells him if he gets free he'll come to us, and to have fun. James has Nigel give me his phone and he asks me to watch out for his Badger. I agree and he's laughing. Nigel's not used to being hit on like he is now. And his head can be turned. He loves James and he'd never leave James but James worries about someone getting Nigel enamored or flattered enough to do something sexual he wont like.(It's happened at least once. I won't give out details cause I promised Nige I wouldn't tell anyone. And Nigel is the only one that knows the true story of how I lost my virginity and I wouldn't want that to get out at all.)

Nigel goes off to his room to shower and I shower and put on the tightest jeans I have. It's nice out so I'll wear a tank top. I spend a lot of time grooming my mane. Jeb's got a thicker lusher mane than I do. I have to admit twin or not, Jeb is a much better looking Lion than I am. (Though I'm not exactly a troll. I'm good looking . I've heard it since I was a cub. I'm just not as stunning as Jeb is. I'm a 9 and Jeb's definitely a 10) He's more masculine and buff than I am. I realize we only somewhat resemble each other these days, but we're not identical anymore. Since his growth spurt, he gets to look more and more like Grandpa Kitman every day, while I have the softer features of Grandpa Russell. Makes me feel sad as I used to be proud of how much we resembled each other. Jeb knows me still. He hugs me. "I've been working out Claude" he says softly. "I wasn't trying to make myself look different but since puberty we've gotten to look so different" he says softly. I hug him. "Claude, you spend too much time alone, you should date a bit, you've got the horny Kitman genes like I do, despite being a bottom" Jeb says. I nod. "I used to think you were just shy about meeting guys, but I know better now" Jeb says softly.

"Claude, you think I don't know, but I know what happened and how you lost your cherry" Jeb says hugging me tighter. I break down and cry. My twin knows my worst shame And he still loves me. I was raped. And gang raped at that. I only remember it very hazily at best. Except the first painful penetration that is. That I still remember clearly, and to this day I won't let a Bull fuck me. I was pulled into a locker room at Sacramento State, beaten, stripped and gang fucked for hours by all 22 members of the football team. I will remember it in flashes at times. I passed out from the pain of it when that huge Bull forcibly punctured my asshole. Five big guys held me down on a pile of dirty towels, and held my arms and legs still. While that Bull brutally punctured my ass ring with a dick that could only be described as massive. My screams turned him on even more. I never even had a clue why they targeted me. I must have been an easy target. Younger than most at the School, rich, gay and attractive. Jeb was bigger than me already and a jock. He'd of kicked their asses for trying to do that to him, and if he knew what they'd done to me at the time he'd of found them and kicked major butt.

I woke up hours later, bleeding from the ass, covered in the semen of many different animals and bruised and battered. Their Gator Coach took me as well, and when he was done in me, he wrapped me in a blanket and took me to an open space in a local park where I'd be found quickly. Left me bloody and crying hysterically, and semen soaked in a clearing in a local park so I couldn't be traced to the team. I remembered so little of it the Police had nothing to go on though they questioned me at length. I was humiliated, and embarrassed and really upset. The Police and the Campus Police were kind to me and very considerate but there was little they could do, and I wouldn't let them call Dad. I wouldn't even tell Jeb or Nigel. I was too ashamed, and I still am to a degree. I feel ruined and soiled inside. No one will want me if they know what happened to me.(Not true, as Teddy will prove)

I was aversive to sex for a while. Beau's patient attempts to break me back into sex, and his gentle lovemaking brought me around after a while. (He didn't know what happened to me, he just knew I'd had a bad experience for my first time and since he loved me he wanted to help.)I'm a bit gun shy with strangers, and I get sex as it is. Jeb knows, I don't know how, and I'm not sure I want to know. He's being really sympathetic to me so it doesn't matter in the long run. I take Beau a lot, and James and Grandpa and a few others.

I've gone to therapy to get over it. My therapist is a big St Bernard named Dr Jonas White, and he's a good one. He's been trying to get me to go out socializing more often. I make a quick call to him and he agrees, I should go and try to meet someone random to play with. It's for my own good. "Claude, you should just relax and try to be friendly, you're charismatic and folks respond to you, you should pick some nice guy up and break yourself back into casual sex." Jonas says. "Be cautious, but you should try to let yourself relax and find a nice guy to play" Jonas tells me before he hangs up.

Jeb and I take Nigel and go to the bar he suggested. It's a nice little place. Called the Bear Den, and it's run by a big, very sexy Grizzly Bear. Teddy Mitchell, and he's hot as Hell. He's looking at me carefully. "Who's the hot little Lion with you, Jeb?" he asks Jeb. "He's my twin brother, Claude" Jeb tells Teddy. Teddy turns to me and licks his chops. "Claude, your bottom Lion twin brother?" he asks happily. Jeb nods . "Do you like Grizzlies, Claude?" Teddy says grinning. "Only if they're on top of me" I say smiling back at him. (Not as easy as I'm trying to make it look, but Jeb knows him, and he's not discouraging me from going after Teddy. It was a set up I think, or at least it seems to me like it is, he obviously told Teddy about me, or else he knew how badly Teddy wanted me. I'm very clumsily trying to flirt with Teddy. My usual bluntness at work I can't be subtle at all and I'm glaringly obvious in wanting Teddy. But I do want him to fuck me at least.) He murrs loudly. Teddy grabs my paw. "Would you consider waiting for me to close the bar and then let me take you home?" Teddy asks, his eyes pleading with me to say yes. "I'd do my best to make the wait worth your while when I get you home, I'll give you my all" Teddy murrs.

I take a good look at Teddy. He's big. 7' at least 330 pounds. He's a 'musclegut' Grizzly. Dark Chocolate Brown fur, and Deep Blue eyes. His Dark Brown hair is short cropped, and his Brown beard is clipped close to his chin. "Teddy, is it?" I ask. I'm giving him the full 1000 Watt 'Kitman smile' He swallows hard. "Teddy?" I ask. He nods. My smile had the effect I wanted it too. He's a bit dazed. "Teddy, give me a kiss to hold me until you close the bar" I say softly. He leans forwards and kisses me passionately. He's a good kisser for sure. But I don't faint, I didn't think I would, but he's heating my blood up for sure. He's really hot for me now. I kind of wish I'd of bonded him. Teddy's impressively masculine and butch. I could hardly do better than to take him. (I'm still too hurt and I feel shame deep inside over being ruined and soiled.)

Teddy smiles at me. I sit back down on the bar stool. He goes back to serving customers but when he has a second he's back with me and being very solicitous. He gets me a Diet Coke when I tell him I can't drink alcohol. Without even teasing me about it. Even I can tell he doesn't want me to get away from him. Jeb laughs. "Claude, Teddy's become a good friend., I know it's your house but I asked him to move in, save him some money to help keep the bar running, Hell, I'd hoped you'd bond him" Jeb says laughing. "It would be nice having him at the house, and if it'll help him financially, it'll be fine with me." I say. Jeb's obviously wanting us together, he knows we Lions don't always bond right away, if there's some kind of trauma affecting one partner they may not bond til it's gotten past. (He'll tell me later he knew I was too hurt still to take Teddy but I would eventually.)

"Teddy, bring him to our place when you close the bar, he came with me and he can show you how to get there." Jeb says. "You can move in tomorrow" Jeb says. Nigel's laughing at me.(He knows I'll take Teddy eventually too.)

I see Mark walk in and walk over to us. "Jeb, this is Dr Mark Edwards" I say softly. Jeb turns and when he looks into Mark's eyes, he's lost. My brother has fallen for Mark.(Jeb has an easier life than I do, the things he wants somehow just come to him if he's just a little patient. I know he told Edward a day or so ago that he's thinking he's ready to settle down, so of course the Universe just puts his life mate right in front of him ready and willing to take him.....SIGH) Jeb grabs Mark and pulls him into his arms and when they kiss Mark faints. "Jeb, he's a good Skunk, he'll love you so much" Nigel says smiling.(I'm happy for Jeb, really I am, but I'm engaged in struggling past my pain and shame so I can try to bond this Grizzly that loves me so obviously. No matter, all else but Mark is lost on Jeb right now. Jeb just has to kiss his Skunk to get him, and I have several layers of pain, shame and humiliation to slog through. So unfair)

Mark wakes up and Jeb takes him off to a table in the back of the bar. "Well, Mark will be happy" I tease Nigel. "He never said a word to me, Claude, I know he'd seen Jeb as they're in the same building, or their offices are" Nigel says. Jeb takes Mark home after a while and they take Nigel with them. Jeb wants me here alone with Teddy. (Realizing that makes me feel bad for my slight resentment of how easily Jeb found Mark. And I realize Jeb's done as much to help me as he can. I have the heavy lifting to do, because, however unfairly, this was forced on me by others, and I have to be the one to work it out. Yet, Jeb did a lot more to help me than I gave him credit for)

I sit at the bar and wait for Teddy to close. I kinda wish I'd of brought my Kindle, I will when I come down here to be with him in the future. He'll kiss me every so often. He said he's gonna make sure I stay interested in him. But a couple of hot big Wolves hit on me,(They're mated lovers and both tops) and I tell them to call me some other night, that I'm waiting to go home with Teddy when he closes, and give them my cards. Teddy smiles when I do. They both kiss me and say they'll call. That they understand why I'd wait for Teddy. And they leave. (They will call in a couple of weeks. Nigel and I take them together with Bob and Teddy and James with us . It's a great evening. And Nigel gets his first knotting and turning. One night at the Den I introduce them to a shy little Bottom Donkey I met and befriended, and they joint bond him. I quickly get a reputation for fixing animals up and a lot of guys come hoping I'll get them mates. (I do the best I can, when I can.) Teddy and Bob are happy. In a lot of ways I bring business in. More so when they let me put a piano in and I start playing and singing with Nigel and Nate's help. If I start playing, soon the place will fill up. Not to mention how fast it will fill up when guys think Bob and/or Teddy will use me to start a party)

"You're gonna stay here with me, I know there's not much to do, just sit and wait, but I'm glad you did, I think you like me, Claude" Teddy says softly. "I do, you're a hot Grizzly and Jeb likes you, if he makes friends with someone it's usually because they're good animals." I say. I'm beginning to feel a lot for Teddy. My mind is working out a lot. I don't want Teddy to get away from me. I'd regret losing my Big Griz to my past pains.

Teddy's happy and he'll kiss me every chance he gets. He's a good kisser for sure. And at one point he puts my paw on the front of his jeans. He's got a really big Ursine dick even only half hard as it is now. "Claude, some guys have been scared of my big Grizzly dick, I needed to be sure, Jeb told me you'd had some kind of traumatic first experience, he wouldn't tell me what, but I don't want to hurt you or scare you" Teddy says gently. Teddy's looking at me so tenderly. "I wish I had of bonded you, Teddy, I think you care for me a lot, and you're such a beautiful big Grizzly" I say quietly. He murrs. "I'm not too big?" he asks. I reach over the bar and open his jeans. I take his big Grizzly dick out of them and I stroke it gently. I have to admit, it's impressive, I've never seen such a big dick. Not even on a Horse. He murrs hotly. As it hardens up it's really massive. Rather than being scared of it, I want it more. I'm really wanting Teddy to be mine now. My mind is furiously processing my past fears and pains to get past them.

I climb over the bar when no one's looking and once I'm down on my knees I deep throat Teddy. He is big, 22" and it's the same Dark Brown as his fur. I work it aggressively, pulling as much suction from my throat as I can, and wrapping my rough Feline tongue around it. Teddy's murring loudly and digging his claws into the wooden surface of the bar top. He reaches down and puts a paw on each side of my head and gently face fucks me. I can feel his big Grizzly body tensing up. He roars and gushes a big load of Grizzly semen down my throat. Panting hard he pulls me up and kisses me repeatedly. He licks some of his own cum out of my mouth. He holds me against his big body tightly. "I wish I had of bonded you, but will you sleep with me at times, date me and spend time with me here" Teddy asks quietly. "Yes, Babe" I say. "You'll move in with us, and we'll keep each other company until we find our mates, Teddy" I say. "I'll start spending time here with you, and I'm sure James and Nigel will and Jeb and Mark" I say. "It gets lonely here at times, especially when it's slow" Teddy says softly."Call me if I'm not already here, I'll come to my Grizzly when he needs me" I say. He kisses me again. (He'll tell me later this is when he understands I'll take him when I can, and that I'm working hard to get over something to free myself to be his. And how thrilled he was to hear me call him 'my Grizzly' )

I'm feeling warm all over now, and I know what it is. My body is trying to react to having taken his semen into me. It's how we Lions bond, taking our love's semen bonds us to them.. I shake my head and I realize something. I hurt still, more than I had thought.. I know I had been really damaged, and I still don't trust strange males. But when I look up into Teddy's Soft Blue eyes. I see so much there, and it's all as a result of me. He's holding it in because we didn't bond, but he loves me, it's so very obvious how much he loves me.. And I think of what Jonas has always told me. I'll find a gentle and masculine soul who'll be willing to tend and care for me, and I'll let go finally. Teddy's it and I want him badly. But we have one hurdle yet to get over.

"Teddy, I need to talk to you, I need for you to know something about me." I say, more pain showing through in my voice than I intended. "Claude?" he asks softly. He sees the pain in my eyes and he heard it in my voice and he's worried for me. Proving he's all I think he is. Time to just take a deep breath and let it out.. I sit on the top of the bar and I look into his eyes. He looks at me. And he refastens his jeans and looks deep into my eyes. I take a deep breath and I tell him all I can remember about the gang rape that cost me my virginity and traumatized me so.. He's looking sad, but there's no shame or condemnation of me in his eyes. He holds me tightly. "Claude, I'm so sorry, you must have been so hurt and devastated, is that why Jeb says you won't date?" Teddy asks stroking my mane. I nod. "I can't let a Bull fuck me still" I say. "My therapist told me to go when Jeb insisted, and try to let myself be picked up by a stranger" I say. "Claude, I can help, I know my clients, I can direct you away from the troubled ones" He says. "Teddy, I think I have a different sort of help from you in mind" I say. He looks puzzled.

"Teddy, I think I love you already, and I was still too hurt to respond to you and open up to take you." I say quietly. "Claude, we already tried to bond and couldn't, if it hurts too much don't try, I wont get you at the expense of hurting you more." Teddy says gently. (I want him even more desperately now, I know he's meant to be mine, and he's shown me he'll be all to me that I need. My Big Griz showed me my needs are as important to him as his.) "Teddy, I had a lot of shame from what happened, I think I needed you to know all of what happened, I couldn't bear it if you pitied me or felt shame from how I was ruined and soiled" I say. "Baby, it wasn't your fault, you bear no shame or responsibility for what they did to you" Teddy says petting my side. I nod. "But I think I see how you felt" he says. "I can see your love for me now in your eyes, Claude" Teddy says smiling. "But there are a few things about me you need to know now too" Teddy says turning serious.

"Claude, this place is important to me, it's going to be a big part of your life if you do take me" Teddy says. "I'll expect you to be here with me when you can, and I might still want to fuck other guys at times" Teddy says. "I won't keep you from others either" Teddy says softly. "I think I will check with you if I can when it involves a stranger, make sure they'll be good to me" I say. "Claude, if I want you for a party here, will you take who I tell you to, or will it bring back bad feelings from the gang rape?" he asks. I sit and think. "Will you be with me

when I do?" I ask taking his big paw into mine. "Will you stay with me if I need you to, just watch and let me know you'll protect me if I need you to?" I ask. "Always, Claude, whether we have a party or not, even if we're just together, no one will hurt my baby Lion if I can help it" Teddy says. He pulls me tighter to him. "Claude, I wanted you, I saw you at the hospital when I took my brother in, Jeb brought you in here because he wanted us to meet" Teddy says. "I'd have to ask you a favor anyway, my brother Bob lives with me, can he move in too?" Teddy asks. "Yes" I say. "He'll be hot for you too, Claude" Teddy says smiling.(Turns out to be a bit of an understatement . He's as hot for me as Teddy is and he'll get me too.)

"Claude, one more thing and then I beg you to try again to bond me"Teddy says. I nod. "I'm a top, so is Bob and we don't get fucked at all, and sometimes I might want to bring him into our bed, he's gonna start helping me here so I have days off" Teddy says. "I'm fine with that, I'm a bottom and to be shared between two big Grizzlies would be hot" I say. (Bob will shortly bond to us, and we're a happy little triad in a tight twin bond. Bob is Teddy's fraternal twin, though they look more alike than Jeb and I do, and theoretically Jeb and I are identical twins. Or we were when we were born until we were ten.)

"Claude, I know you're rich and a Doctor, I didn't want your money and I hope you know that" he says. "I know, if Jeb wanted me to meet you he'd of sorted that out already" I say. I put my arms around his big neck. "Teddy, you need to know though, I'll use what I have for you, I'd give you every penny I had just to make you happy" I say passionately. "If you need it for the bar as well, it'll make it ours in a way" I say proudly. He looks into my eyes. "Claude, I'll love you as long as I live, and I'll be so good to you. you're all I've ever wanted in my mate" Teddy says. "I do want you as my mate too, Teddy," I say softly. We kiss deeply and passionately and I faint into his big Grizzly arms. I hear laughter. The patrons that are still in the Bear Den are happy for us. Teddy looks so happy. And I have to admit I'm pretty happy now too. He's hanging onto me so tightly. "Claude, I'll love you so much" Teddy says. I kiss him again.

"Claude, I smoke cigars and I kind of like smoke sex" Teddy says quietly. I pull my pipe pouch out of my jeans. Teddy kisses me. "I don't know from smoke sex, but I'll gladly let my 'Big Griz' show me" I say. Teddy murrs. "I like that, makes me hot, keep calling me your 'Big Griz' Claude" Teddy says. "And I'd be glad to teach you about smoke sex, will you experiment sexually with me, I'm kind of wanting to explore a few things I've heard customers talk about?" Teddy asks. "If we can talk first and you'll let me stop if I don't like it" I say. "Of course, Baby Kitten" Teddy says. "I told you I won't get mine at your expense, and I meant it" Teddy says firmly. I kiss him again. "I do trust you, Teddy, a lot in fact" I say softly. Teddy murrs loudly. "Baby Kitten, I'll never hurt you or let you get hurt by anyone else" he says earnestly. I kiss him again. He looks happy as hell now. I pack and light my pipe and Teddy lights up a cigar.

"Babe, I'm not into BDSM but I like to wear a bit of leather when I have sex at times" he says. "Sounds hot" I say. "I'd like to go by Bill Gatlin's shop and get you some leathers too, would you wear them for your Big Griz'?" he asks. "Yeah, babe" I say. "I'm not a Dom top, but I do want to be your husband, Claude" he says. "I'll be your wife, I'm a bit submissive" I say shyly. He murrs. "You want your Big Griz to be happy I can tell" he murrs. "As for the bar, Big Kitty, we'll talk soon, I have a few things I've always wanted to do since I bought it" he says. "I just need to know how much you need" I say. He murrs. "I'm awed at how much my Kitty loves and trusts his Big Griz already" he says kissing me again. "I know I trust you with my heart and the rest just follows"I say kissing him back. Those Blues eyes shine with his love for me. He breaks away from me to go serve some customers.

We sit and Teddy serves customers as they come up and I sit and watch him. I'm sniffing him without being aware. "Claude, Bob's at home, I want to call him, he can pack and we can go by and get our things and if he can come too, we'll just move now" Teddy says softly. I nod. I take my phone and call Edward. Teddy calls Bob while I talk to Edward. "Your room is prepared for Teddy to move in, and Bob will be in the room between you and Jeb and Mark, though Bob will spend tonight with you and Teddy, he'll spend more time sleeping with you and Teddy than you think.." Edward says. "Teddy will love you for always, you'll be spending a lot of time at the Bear Den" Edward says. "Jeb knows, and I've told Jim and Beau too" Edward says. "Beau's really happy for you, and he hopes Teddy won't keep him from you" Edward says. "We're open bonded" I say. "I'll tell Nigel, James is home and they're curled up while he's momentarily not busy" Edward says. "I'll be ready for you when you come home, Claude" Edward says. And he hangs up.

I'm watching Teddy as he serves customers and starts in on his clean up/closing down tasks. I want him so bad I can taste it. I go behind the bar and I stand in the corner of the bar where it's darker. And I bend over and I wave my tail at him. I slowly slide my jeans off of me.. He's staring at my ass and drooling. "Would my Big Griz would like his first piece of his Lion's ass now?" I ask as seductively as I can, still waving my tail at him.. He's so hard he's popping the buttons of his jeans. He yanks them down and he's on me in seconds. "Baby I gotta have you, I hope you're OK with me doing you in public" he pants, and he's drooling pre cum all over me and his big Grizzly dick is wedged in between my ass cheeks. He's not pushed up me yet, just has that big cock head at the opening.. It's drooling precum onto my ass ring slickening it up in preparation for his first fuck.

"Take me hard, you're a Bear, and you're my Big Griz, rut me hard like a Grizzly wants to, and I'll do you in public when you want me to" I say shaking my butt against him. He growls loudly and he slams his massive dick up me while I bend forwards and grab onto the bar. "I'm not hurting you am I babe?" He grunts. He's ramming me hard and deep and I'm seeing stars. "No, Big Griz, Fuck me harder" I yowl. He grins. And really begins banging my ass. He's grunting and growling in time with his thrusts. He's not just fucking my ass, he's taking it as his property, totally dominating me with his rough Bear fucking. I'm lost in the feeling of my Big Griz's rutting. Until I feel a hand stroking my face gently.

I look up into a pair of soft Brown eyes belong to a huge Black furred Texas Longhorn Bull. "No, Dusty, he had a bad experience with a Bull" Teddy moans. "I wouldn't hurt you" Dusty says quietly. He takes his hand off of me. "Dusty's a good friend, Claude, we work guys up together, he didn't know, he knows I'll share a good bottom with him." Teddy pants as he fucks me harder. His sweat is dripping down on me and his Ursine musk is making me hot. Time to get over even more of my past traumas. (I've become surprisingly light hearted and very sexual as my Big Griz's love has healed me. His love for me and my trust in him pushed me beyond my traumas and my hot Leonine blood is stoked by his fucking. I'll let my 'inner slut' free for my


The look in Dusty's eyes shows me he wouldn't ever hurt me. (The truth is when I accepted Teddy's love for me, it healed me. I'm whole inside again. My fears are gone especially since my Big Griz is with me. Teddy loves that I trust him enough to let him try anything sexual with him. I've even let him stick one of those huge paws up me. He 'pawed' me and cried that I was unafraid because I trusted him so. I laid there and was totally relaxed. as he worked that huge paw inside me. We did it in front of Bob and Bill and they too were proud of me. He's never wanted to do that again. It was a test of how much I trusted him I guess.)

"Dusty" I say. He turns back to me. I put his hand back on my face. "You sure, pretty Lion?" Dusty asks. I whisper to him of what happened to me. He looks stunned. "Claude, I wouldn't hurt you, and you're Teddy's Lion, I want to please you, make you hot for me" Dusty says quietly. Teddy roars and I feel his thick Grizzly sperm filling my ass and I moan and I feel warm all over. He lays on my back panting hard. And Dusty kisses him.

"He's a beautiful Lion, Teddy, but I won't push him to take me" Dusty says softly. I whisper to Teddy. Teddy grins. "You sure, " he says. "He seems like a nice Bull, and my Big Griz will be right here to keep me safe, besides you trust him and I trust you" I whisper. Teddy kisses me. "You're a great Lion, babe, a hot piece and you love and trust your Big Griz so much, Dusty's a good friend and he'll be hanging around us a lot" Teddy murrs. Teddy leans over and talks to Dusty.

"You want me to be your first Bull after the....well... your rape by another Bull?" Dusty asks. "Yes, you are a friend of Teddy's and I believe you when you say you won't hurt me, and you're a gorgeous butch Bull, Dusty" I say. "Not gonna argue if you're sure, but you don't have to" He says. "I don't have to, I want to, Dusty" I say. Teddy pulls out and I spurt a lot of his cum onto the floor. Dusty walks around the side of the bar.

The few guys still here are clustered on the other side of the bar watching us. Dusty drops his pants and he's got a 21" Bull dick. I'm surprisingly unafraid. "Nervous" Dusty asks. "No, looking forward to it, I'm not afraid, you're a good Bull and my Big Griz is here" I say. Teddy leans down and kisses me. "I'm proud of my Big Kitty" Teddy whispers to me. Dusty slips carefully up me. I moan softly. Dusty grins. He's slowly working up his speed and depth. He's determined not to hurt me. But that fat Bovine dick feels so good in me. "Please, Dusty, rut me" I moan. He grins and works me faster, not as fast as Teddy did though. A couple of the guys are talking to Teddy. I look at them. An older, pot belled, Gray haired and bearded Tiger fascinates me. Hell, they're all hot big guys. "Teddy" I moan. He leans down and I whisper in his ear. "You sure, Big Kitty?" Teddy asks softly. "Yes, Big Griz" I say smiling. Dusty's making me so hot with that big fat Bull dick."You said you wanted me to start parties at times, might as well get started now with a small one" I say kissing my Grizzly. "I love you, Claude, you're meant for me" Teddy says kissing me. Teddy tells the others I've agreed to take them when Dusty's done in me. They smile at me.

Dusty's fucking me deeply and pulling all the way out on his back strokes. "You must love Teddy a lot" Dusty says.. "I do, but I had to get over all that, and I figured there was no better Bull to break me in than you" I say. Dusty kisses me. "I think you like me a bit" he says. "I do, Dusty" I say softly "Teddy says you're a good friend and we'll spend a lot of time with you, makes me happy" I say. He's biting his lip and really ramming me. "Squirt me, Big Bull, give me your Calf" I moan. Dusty gently bites the back of my neck and bellows loudly. Shaking and trembling he spurts me really hard. I felt him flaring in me as well. Panting he kisses me. "You'd give even me beautiful Calves, Claude" Dusty pants in my ear. He leans up and we deep kiss for a bit. His softened Bull dick slips out of me and I gush his high volume of Bull sperm onto the floor.

Teddy washes my butt and kisses me. He carries me out to a table and lays me on it. Dusty asks if I'd take him again. "When Big Griz tells me I can" I say. "You can when he wants you" Teddy says hugging Dusty. I grab the paw of the big Tiger. He looks almost sad like he thinks I'm about to tell him no. "I want you last, I want to take my time with you" I say quietly as I'm squeezing his paw. "I'll do the others, and wash up and we'll take as long as you want to, you're really sexy" I say smiling. He grins.

The others take me in turns, they're good enough, but nothing special. When they're done. I kiss them and thank them and walk to the sink behind the bar and wash out as best I can. "I'll get a shower with a shower shot put in" Teddy says. "I'd be happy to pay for it, since I'm sure I'm the one who'll use it most" I say. "I'll let you do it for me, Big Kitty, but there are other bottoms who'll take on groups of guys at times for me." Teddy says almost tentatively.

"Claude, you know you didn't have to do that" Teddy says, sounding like he's wanting to change the subject. "I wanted to, I wanted Dusty and he was the perfect one to get me over my fear of Bulls, and those other guys seemed a bit sad, and you said you'd want me to start parties, I figured to get started and do the first one as a small one." I say."They're good animals but they don't get laid a lot, shy, not good looking, hurt by life, you did a lot for them just letting them have you, Claude" Teddy says."Mike's lost his mate, he just walked out on Mike, and he's just starting to recover and then some asshole shot him down when Mike just talked to him, I'm glad you wanted him alone " Teddy says. "He's a good Tiger" Teddy says kissing me. He really didn't want me back on the subject of parties.

I walk out and lay on the table again. I ask Mike to strip completely and he grins shyly but he does. I sit up and run my paws all over his body. He's not bad. 6', maybe 220, pot bellied , stocky, he kind of reminds me of a smaller Beau, but his eyes are a deep Dark Amber and so sexy. Also like Beau he's got a really fat Feline dick with more barbs than the norm."I'd like to know your name?" I ask. "I'm Mike Dayton" he says shyly. "Mike, I'm Claude Kitman and Teddy and I just bonded tonight" I say. He's reaching out for me slowly. "It's OK Mike, touch me where you want and how you want, I wanted you alone so we could take our time" I say. Mike looks at me and then at Teddy. Teddy nods his approval. And Mike begins to slowly stroke my body. His touch is firm but gentle and turns me on.

His big Feline dick gets fatter as it gets harder. "Guys tell me I'm too thick" Mike says sadly. I smile and I reach down and gently stroke it. "I love its thickness, and its heft, and those barbs are so sharp and firm" I growl gently. "You really seem to want me" Mike says. "I do, very much" I say. He gets on top of me and we make out a while. Very passionate Tiger. "Make love to me, Mike" I say panting hard. He gently slips up me. I moan to feel his fat dick spread me. "Not hurting you, am I?" he asks. "No, it feels great, you're really good, Mike" I say He makes love to me for a good 30 minutes and roaring he fills me. Panting he lays on top of me. "I've never had sex that good, Claude, Teddy's lucky" Mike says softly. I note he hasn't softened at all. We lay and talk a bit, and he's still rock hard inside of me.

"Mike, do me a favor?" I ask. "Anything for you, Claude" Mike purrs as he's kissing me. "Barb me, please, I love that fat dick and you have so many sharp and firm barbs, I want to feel them rake me, Mike" I beg him. "Claude, I've only done it once before, I may not be very good" he says shyly. "I can't believe that of you, you made love to me so well "I say. "I will then, but you know like most Feline tops I'll lose it when we get going and I won't be gentle" Mike says. "Baby, I love being barbed by a good Feline top, I'm sure I'll love it" I say. "Mike, I'll beg you to if I have to" I say quietly. He grins. He pulls back to his first ring of barbs.

And he starts out slow. Still it's enough that I start moaning and yowling. He's going faster in me, and soon he loses it and it ramming his barbs in and out of me. We're both cussing and yowling loudly and I've got my arms wrapped tightly around his thick neck. He's so hot. And he's entwined his tail with mine and we're making a lot of noise. I screech and cum on his belly and when my ass clamps down on his barbs, he shudders on top of me and his Feline cum spurts into me like it was sprayed from a firehose. Panting hard he lays on top of me, we're too spent to move and he's kissing me repeatedly.

"Never...had ...anything" he pants. "You can have him when he wants you, Mike" Teddy says. He's sticking out and drooling pre cum, he got hot watching us. Dusty's got some little Fox on the table next to us and is pounding him fiercely. "I wanted you next" Teddy whispers to me. Mike gets off of me. And Teddy's right up me."I got so hot watching, you barbed him good, Mike, and he loved it" Teddy pants. My ass is spasming and squeezing at intervals. Usually what happens to me after I've been barbed hard. Teddy's grunting and groaning and cussing. "Can't hold, Baby, too tight and you grip me so hard" Teddy roars and bucking on top of me he squirts me hard. I can feel it hitting the walls of my guts.

"Mike, you can have him anytime, you got him stirred up so he must of loved it, he wouldn't stop squeezing me" Teddy pants. "He'd squeeze me too, most guys are held open by my really wide girth, but Claude kept a tight grip on me with his ass" Mike says kissing us both. Mike looks so proud now. "I will fuck you again, if you'd want me" Mike says shyly. "I'd love for you to, Mike" I say. He kisses us both again and gets dressed and leaves. "He's a good guy, I might have you do few other guys like that, just give em a little confidence" Teddy says. "I wanted Mike because I liked him, Big Griz, he seemed so sweet and he wanted me a lot" I say. Teddy laughs. "Baby, you're so much like me, you knew he needed to be with you, as much as I did" Teddy says. "I'll fuck who ever you tell me to, Big Griz" I say quietly. He kisses me. "Obedient to your Grizzly Daddy already" Teddy murrs. "I trust my Big Griz to look after me as he promised he would" I say quietly. "Always, Big Kitty" he says kissing my forehead.

I hear laughter and a huge Grizzly strolls up to Teddy and I. He's got a big cigar going. He looks a bit like Teddy but he's buffer and his eyes are Dark Brown. And he's taller. 7'5" and at least 400 pounds. I wonder if it's Bob. His long hair is Dark Brown and tied into a pony tail and his beard is thick and long. He's wearing a leather harness and chaps. And his crotch is stretched out, he's bigger hung than Teddy.

Teddy looks up. "Claude, this is Bill Gatlin, he owns Ursine Leathers, and he's my best friend, well, other than Bob or Dusty" Teddy says. Bill's looking me over. "So you got a new Bottom Bitch, how the Hell did you manage to find a bottom Lion?" Bill asks sharply. "He's not just my Bitch, he's my mate, we bonded, his brother Jeb helped me get him" Teddy says happily. Bill murrs. "You got Dr Claude Kitman and his brother helped you?" Bill asks surprised. I nod. "I belong to my Big Griz" I say proudly. Bill grins "I'm glad you're my best friend and I know you'll share" Bill says licking his chops while looking me up and down. Dusty laughs. "I've had him, he's a prime piece and sweet and caring, and as tight as a virgin" Dusty says.

I smile at Dusty. "I knew you were a good Bull, you were just the Bull I needed to get past my pains." I say quietly. Dusty's smiling. He walks over and he takes my paw. "Claude, it meant a lot to me that you let me up you, and wanted me to be the Bull to show you we are not all shit heads like the one that raped you" Dusty says. "You really love our Teddy, and you'll be here with him when he needs you" Dusty says. "He gets lonely at times here, and I know you'll come to him, you're so fucking devoted to him already, he's such a lucky Grizzly" Dusty says. "You like Tigers, especially White Bengals?" I ask. Dusty murrs. "I do, Claude" he says. I smile at him. I know who'd be perfect for this hot and sweet natured Big Bull.

Even though it's late I call a friend of Nigel's. Jimmy Morgan, he's our age and a hot looking White Bengal Tiger bottom.. He's 5'9" and 155 pounds with bright Blue eyes. He's a Sub bottom and he likes to be ordered around. Let him and Dusty work that out though. "Jimmy, got a Bull here I think would be perfect for you, I got mated tonight, and maybe it's your turn now" I say. "Who'd you get?" Jimmy asks. "Teddy Mitchell, he runs the Bear Den with his brother" I say. "Who's the Bull?" he asks. "One of Teddy's best friends, a hot, big Black furred Texas Longhorn, who's a great lover" I say. Dusty blushes. "Jimmy, he'll curl your tail, and make you love him" I say. Teddy laughs and Dusty's really blushing now.

"If he hangs out at the Bear Den, and if I'm really lucky it'll be Dusty Rhodes" Jimmy says. "You know him?" I ask. "I know of him, I met him once but he probably won't remember me" Jimmy says. "It is him, and he fucked my lights out tonight" I say."Be right there, Claude" Jimmy says. "Nigel says you like me and wanted to be friends too, this is hell of a start to being my best friend like Nigel is" Jimmy says laughing.

"He's on his way, Dusty" I say. "Who" Dusty asks. "Jimmy Morgan, he's a White Bengal Tiger" I say. Bill laughs. "I worked him up at a party at my shop once, Dusty, you saw him, but you had another party to go to and you didn't stay to work him" Bill says happily. "He's a great sub, and really obedient, and he has a gorgeous White and Black striped ass" Bill says grinning. "Are you obedient, Boy?" Bill barks looking into my eyes. "I'll try to be Sir, if Teddy wants me to be, I want my Big Griz to be happy with me" I say meekly averting my eyes from his. "Got great instincts, Boy, a bit of training's all you need if he wants you trained as a total sub, Claude" Bill says laughing. Teddy smiles."He's perfect as he is Bill, I'm not a Dom Bear like you" Teddy says smiling.

"Claude, I'd ask you to fix me up, but I know who I want, just not got a clue on how to get him" Bill says with a touch of sadness in his voice. "Who?" Dusty asks him. "Jesse Marks" Bill says softly. I grin. "You know him, Boy?" Bill asks gruffly. "I went to Sacramento State with him, he's working for the Doctors in the next office, he's a PA and a good one, and a great Bear." I say smiling. Bill murrs. "He's a good friend of Nigel and Nate's, and he's a good Bear" I say smiling.

"I'd want to meet him soon, Claude, but I gotta get a new place if I'm gonna get a mate, my place is crappy, fine for me, but not another guy, beyond a trick" he says sadly. Teddy looks at me. I know what he's asking me to do. I love that we understand each other so well, and without words. Bodes well for us. "Bill, move in with us, I've got a big house and plenty of room" I say. Bill grins. "You'd put up a big Leather Grizzly and maybe his sub Black Bear too" Bill murrs. "My Big Griz wants me to, and he's my husband, and I'll obey" I say. "Might be fun to have you around anyway" I say. "I have a feeling you'll liven up the house by being your bigger than life self" I say. Teddy cracks up and Dusty looks lost in thought. Contemplating his potential Tiger mate. Bill grins at me. "You're a smart little Kitty, you figure folks out quickly" Bill murrs.

"I'll move in tonight and you can have him meet me later if you can, right now I want up your ass, Lion Boy" Bill says gruffly. "I want to bring him by the shop tomorrow, Bill, I want him leathered up and he's agreed and wants to buy me some new leathers too." Teddy says. "Hot Damn, fuck his lights out tonight and get to fit him in a day or so" he says. He takes my face in his big paws. "You got potential, Boy, only limit is where Teddy wants to take you, but will you obey me too, if your Grizzly lets me borrow you" he says making intense eye contact. "If he says I can" I say meekly trying to avoid his direct eye contact. He's not letting me though.. "Bill, I'm not wanting him full sub, but if he's with you and he's willing to do it, go ahead and do him that way" Teddy says. "I promise I won't break him, he's a good Kitty, and he loves you a lot" Bill murrs. "I'd try, but he's so yours I'd have no chance to steal him away" Bill says laughing. "I won't leave my Teddy for anyone, even a big, butch beautiful Grizzly like you" I say fiercely.

Bill laughs harder and Dusty and Teddy join in. "You're a loyal little Lion" Bill says ruffling my mane. Bill starts to strip. I can't help but stare. He's massively built and massively hung. He's got 4" in length on Teddy and an inch in circumference. I've never seen balls as big as his. Teddy gets up off of me. He kisses me. "You'll love Bill, he's rough but you proved you can take him, you took me full on Bear style" Teddy says proudly. And he kisses me again.

I quickly call Nigel and tell him to call Jesse and explain who I've got for him and that Bill's moving in. "He's seen Bill, he told me how hot he thought he was, he'll come right away" Nigel says. "Are you coming home soon, Claude, James went back to the hospital and will probably be gone for the rest of the night?" he asks. "We're gonna finish here and go get Teddy's stuff and his brother Bob who's moving in too, and then we'll be home" I say. "Teddy, do you think Bob would be interested in Nigel, his mate got called back to the hospital and he's lonely" I say. "Your pretty Badger friend, yeah, but we'll take him to bed with us, us and Bob and your friend" Teddy says kissing me. "I heard him, sounds good to me" Nigel says and he hangs up to call Jesse for me.. Bill grins. "I might want him too" he says. "Nige is Jesse's best friend, Jesse knows you or at least who you are, and he never approached you as he didn't think you'd be interested, Nige'll call him and he'll come right here after you, and he'll bond you if you even give him an opening" I say.

I lay on my back and await Bill's fucking. My cell rings and I answer. "Claude, he's put on his leathers and he's on his way now, he'll bond Bill if Bill even likes him," Nigel says. "Bill said he wanted him but didn't know how to approach him" I say. "They'll be a couple by morning" Nigel says. "Looking at Bill naked, Jesse's gonna be a happy, happy Bear pretty soon" I say laughing. He hangs up.

Bill struts up to me. "I think you like this Grizzly" Bill says smiling. "You get me Jesse and I'll rut you like crazy when you want me to, we'll live in your house and I swear I'll bang the crap out you as often as Teddy will let me" Bill says leaning down and deep kissing me. His huge dick is poking into my belly. "I won't hurt you, you're my best friends Lion, besides I want you to see this and lust after me, you'll see me coming and bend over and brace yourself." Bill chuckles waving his dick at me. "I already am hot for you, Bill, you're a sexy Grizzly and no matter how butch and masculine and gruff you are, you have a heart as big as that dick" I say smiling. He grins. "Claude, you'll be so good for Teddy, he deserves to be loved like you'll love him" Bill says slipping his massive dick up me to his balls. "He's spent so much time building this place up he's not dated much, fucked yes, but he needs to feel loved" Bill says.

Bill's ramming me now and nipping my neck in time with his thrusts. I hear a knock at the door and Teddy lets Jimmy in. Jimmy walks up to Dusty and they are really impressed with each other. I lose it and I'm not able to watch them to see if they'll bond as Bill's fucking has me crazy. He's banging me hard and I yowl and cum on his belly. Bill's ramping up even more. He's pulling out and going back in on each stroke. He bites my neck hard and roars through the bite and I feel him gushing up me. He's let go of my neck. And he kisses me. Teddy's grinning at us. Dusty's holding a passed out Jimmy in his arms.

Bill looks in my eyes. And he fucks me again. Really hard and deep and he leans me back on my shoulders so they're the only parts of me touching the table and he fucks me while leaning his entire weight on me as he thrusts. I cuss and yowl and kick my foot paws. I keep thinking I'm hearing a knock. I look over and Dusty's banging Jimmy as hard as Bill's doing me. I lose it again as Bill speeds up. "Yeah, you're a hot bitch, grip me again" Bill growls . I clamp down on him and he roars and floods my ass. Shaking he gushes up me and he pants hard. I look up over his shoulder and Jesse's laughing and watching us. Bill smiles. "You're really good, Claude, no one, but no one's been able to squeeze my huge Grizzly dick and you gripped me rhythmically." Bill murrs. "Teddy's a lucky Grizzly but you seem to be really hot for Bears and Bulls" Bill murrs and he kisses me deeply again. "I think I'm really fond of this Grizzly" I say kissing Bill. He grins.

Bill slips out of me and gets up off of me. He grabs Jesse. "If you take me, you're gonna be mine completely, obey me, tend me, fuck me when I want you, and get as kinky as I want, you're gonna be my sub Bitch for always, I'm a very serious Dom and I'll own your ass" Bill says roughly.. "But I'll love you just as intensely, Baby Bear, it's how I show my love" He murrs Jesse nods. And they kiss and Jesse faints. Bill lays him on the bar and proceeds to rut him hard enough that you can see the bar counter shake.

Teddy lays on me and we neck. Listening to Dusty rut Jimmy, and Bill pounding Jesse. "Claude, when they're done, I want to get going, if Bob has us packed it won't take long, and we can go home for good" Teddy says softly. "I want to be home with my Kitty, my apartment is crap, but I've never stayed home much, no reason to, and I now have a Lion who'll wait for me to come home and come to be with me when I want him to" Teddy says kissing me. He gently pushes up me. And he makes love to me. He's really passionate and tender now. "I took you hard, I was so hot for you, Claude, but I want to show you my soft side too," he says. "This Bear loves you, his heart belongs to you for always, and he won't be happy unless you are too" Teddy says softly. '"I know you'll spend a lot of time here, it makes up a big part of my life, and now yours too" Teddy says. "I love you, Teddy, I knew you ran this place when I took you, and I could see how important it is to you, I'll be here when you need me to be or if you just want me by you" I say softly. Teddy grins. "You were made for me, I kind of kept quiet but I despaired a bit when at first we didn't bond, but when you explained what happened I understood, you had to finish recovering and make sure I could handle it" Teddy says. "You wanted me when we met and you worked so hard to get past so much, you really wanted me, and I'm so proud that you did" Teddy says nuzzling me. "I knew I wanted you, no that I needed you, and I wouldn't let you get away because I'd been victimized by others" I say softly. Teddy tongue kisses me. "Claude, I love you so much" he moans speeding up in me. "I wanna cum up you, more of my cum up you makes you more mine" he says.

Teddy roars and I yowl and cum on his belly and he grunts and fills my ass with his cum. Dusty and Jimmy are dressed. Dusty walks over and kisses us. "Claude, thank you, you were so caring you must really like this Bull" Dusty says. "I knew you'd love Jimmy, and he'd be perfect for you" I say. Jimmy kisses me. "Tell Nige for me, and that I'll call him tomorrow" Jimmy says. They leave arm in arm. Teddy laughs. "You do like Dusty" he says. "I do, I admit it, he's a hot and good Bull" I say. Bill lets out an earth shaking roar and cums up Jesse.

Claude at the Bear Den 2

I call Edward. He already knew and has their room ready. "He'll be on the other side of Jeb and Mark, and those two are really happy and asleep now" Edward say. "Nigel's waiting for you to come home" Edward says. "We'll be done here soon and go get Bob...

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Marty Collins 2

He leans over and kisses me. He's grinning deeply. "I love you, Marty, I'm so happy to have gotten you as mine again" I say quietly. "Claude, I love you too, and I have no words for how it feels to have you back, we're together again, I'd of never have...

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Marty Collins 1

My love life sucks. I've been left four times now. My first love was married and though he fell for me hard and really did love me. He could not walk away from all he had or was when his wife found out and made a scandal out of it. So he dumped me. She...

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