When I came to, I found myself with my hands tied, on a cart puuled by horse along with several men. Two nords, one with his mouth covered so he could not speak, and a breton, apparently a thief who got caught by sheer chance in the ambush that found...
Fanfiction, Fiction, Skyrim
As requested, Magistrate, I have compiled what material I could gather and followed every lead I could find in regards to your request for information regarding the clans Tanuss and Valiim. Let me first admit that information of any sort was...
Fiction, Lore, Side-Story
"So, let me get this straight, Mahr..." Durris began, his ears lowered by equal parts curiousity and concern. "Turin is the one responsible for having the Pavok clan's name in our language? Not sure how to feel about that really..."
"No doubt. Pavok's...
Fiction, Lore, Medieval
The next morning came with surprising haste, the sun's rays stirring Durris from his sleep with an unpleased groan. He rubbed his wrist against his eye and looked out his window, seeing that the sun had already risen to a late morning elevation. A bit...
Fiction, Lore, Sci-Fi
Kaille approached his rescuer from behind, bum leg slowing him down slightly as he reached out to touch the shoulder of the quiet Pharos, his back turned and still, resembling a statue that stood silently vigilant against the noisy background. Upon...
Fiction, Lore, Medieval, Story Progression, work in progress
Carver knew just about as much as anyone from his village about the coast. Mind the tide along the rocks, watch out for urchins in the sand, and never go alone. Everyone knew that the coastal waters were teeming with dangers, specifically sharks....
M/F, Shark, Teasing, Tiger, combat
16 years ago...
Charred embers lay in heaps, the scent of blood and death choking the air around what once was Jurok Village. Bodies lay ruined and burned, blackened remnants of the poor souls that once lived there. Drops slowly fell from...
Demons, Fiction, Prologue, War
Kaille's eyes opened heavily, vision too blurry to make out details as he moaned in discomfort, a small giggle coming from beside him as he lay on his back. A paw found its way gently to his head, petting between the disoriented Sen's furry ears as...
Fiction, Lore, Sci-Fi, Story Progression
Morning light poured through the pane glass windows of the tavern's second floor, the illuminating rays glaring onto the side of Kaille's furry face. Warmth from the direct sun slowly stirred the softly snoring Sen from his stupor. Groaning loudly with...
Fiction, Lore, Story Progression
Silence slowly broke by gently rolling waves as they washed their white foams across the pale sands of the rocky shoreline. Numbness gave way to small sensations, first the coolness of the ocean wind, then the slowly returning pain throughout his body...
Fiction, Lore, Story Progression
Three days and nights had since passed after Kaille and Cassendriana left the company of the Trading group. In that time, the nights had steadily become cooler, a typical event for the season of Second Setting. While the chill was not so unfamiliar to...
Fiction, Lore, Medieval, Story Progression