Nearly There Chp. 2 - Distractions.

Well, here's chapter two, I meant to upload it friday, but I didn't get home until like, five minutes ago. I also wanted to do another read through and edit, but I am really tired right now...Sorry if there's any mistakes and what not. I'll start...

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Project Radikal Chp. 10 - Much Needed Vacation (Part 2)

Noticing that we were on the third floor of the building and we needed to get to the sixth. Making our way towards the elevators, peeking around every corner as we walked throughout the building. Finally reaching the elevators to hear the familiar...

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Project Radikal Chp. 10 - Much Needed Vacation (Part 1)

Here's chapter 10, due to the length, I had to make it into two parts. Sorry for the delay once again, my excuse this time is that I had a really hard break up with my boyfriend and I didn't want to do anything for a while, but that was last week. So...

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Hey everyone! I hope all of you are enjoying your Sunday morning~ I wrote a little something for you, I hope it's to your liking. A short story I decided to write to take a small break from working on chapter 4 of Nearly There. Hope it's not too...

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Nearly There Chp. 3 - New Arrival

I'm sorry for the long awaited chapter 3, but I had exams last month plus with everything that was going on in my life I was a bit preoccupied with it. I hope most of you like where I had decided to go with this story and that most of you will stick...

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