A Night to Remember

It was winter. It was a cold night and the wind was chilling against my exposed fur. I had given my coat to Annabelle as she had only a skirt on. Annabelle was a Moreian hair with snow white fur and stood at 5'8". She was physically tough although her...

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The Taste of Lonleniess

A lone Hare stood in the icy wind of the mountain. The whole world laid below him the green of the forest and the blue of the sea. Yet something was missing from his life, he did not realize it but something was missing. He walked back into his cabin...

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The Fenrrir Marines (pro luge)

The marines kept the files tight, eyes searching, guns read. The forest opened into a wide plane. The road cut through the long grass like a scar. The marines spread out. They all knew that humans could attack at any moment. "Jonathan, on me." He ran...

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