FnaJ 3 (part 1)
**_Fun with Jack in the box_** I was in a hallway with two doorways on each side of the hall. At the very end of the hall was a box, enveloped in shadows. I flicked on my flashlight and now saw a crank on the side of the box. The box it's self was...
one last chance: FnaJ
"It's nothing personal... It's just..." ... "I can't wait!" I said as I jumped up for joy. A door opened and a man poked his head out "Alright kids, they aren't quite done yet, they might look a little spooky... Is that okay?" We all cheered as we...
I'm not even sure what to title this dream!
So it started, I was dating someone, I couldn't see their face... All I knew was it was a guy, a furry and I loved him... We where out for a walk, we whete supposed to be in a location I knew well, but looked nothing like the real place... The dream...
FnaJ:WTF (part 5 -the end)
I put on the completed spring bluebear suit and lure Foxy to the safe-room, Stan tears him appart... The next night, Ishow up and Stan has me put on the spring Bluebear suit so he can explain how to safely use it... Before he can finish, 5 ghostly...
Dump Truck dream
I was in my house, well, it was actually some weird mix between my house and my parents house, but one wall was all glass and for some reason there was a dump truck next to the glass, when out of nowhere, some half naked woman comes in, so my only...
Mesozoic Park (Part 4)
I went to tell Gena about my plans. "I got two things to tell you" I said "First, is that I'm going to be building a duck pond for dino-ducks. I've already decided on mergansers, they have little tooth-like projections in their bills and they like to...
Mesozoic Park (part 3)
I woke up before Gena and tried to roll over to find she was laying on my arm. "Gena, wake up" I said. She hummed. "Gena, your crushing my arm" I stated "Actually I cant even feel my fingers" She giggled and shifted, putting more weight on my...
Mesozoic Park (part 2)
It's been a little over a month since Gena was last here, the ostrich-saurs are now in their permanent enclosure and pretty comfortable in it. They enjoy running around pecking at the fruit and insects and lizards that fall in. The ostrich-saurs enjoy...
Mesozoic Park (part 1)
About a week ago a mine called us and said they found something that was... odd, like some fossil and wanted us to professionally remove it. There was indeed a fossil, the remains of a young triceratops, the trike wasn't in great condition or anything,...
Mesozoic Park (part 6)
It was about a month and a half after the genetic team arrived, we have no eggs in incubation, all dino-birds are in their respective enclosures. When one day, Alexa pulled me aside "Sir, I must inform you on our progress on our current project" I...
Mesozoic Park (part 10)
It's been roughly three years since Gena told me she was pregnant, my son, Matt is soon turning three actually and I've taken a few days off to visit our little house on the mainland where Gena decided to stay for a while. It's only now that we'll...
Mesozoic Park (Part 9)
My worry quickly faded, replaced by shock which too was quickly replaced, this time by pure joy, I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug before I could even say anything, I could hardly think, I was too excited "thats fantastic sweetie!" I excitedly...