Dump Truck dream
Mind you, i don't know how to drive a dump truck. when i got to a near by city, there where a bunch of geese in the road so i just shrugged and pulled the emergency brake, the truck spun side on, tires screeching, when it started to tip.
Moment in a Truck (Otherwise Untitled)
#68 of short stories a phoenix is woken up from having been asleep on the bench seat of her old pickup truck.
Rex: The Old Handsome Trucker
It was a nice truck.
Truck Stop
With his heavy brown boots hitting the pavement, he stepped inside to get something to eat while the pit stop employees hooked their system up to his truck.
Fixing the truck
Fixing the truck by: beefy the bull what do you do when the truck breaks down?
Truck Stop
It was buck, one of her trucking friends for several years. the brown furred stallion nodded his head towards her truck, his ears pricking forward through the holes cut in his cap.
Truck Nuts
A big old fashioned truck steering wheel, with a massive set of ram nuts propped up over the rim of it. they were fat, pudgy looking things.
Truck Ride
truck ride by zrathie dante, a grey wolf was being placed into his seat on a truck by an australian shepherd attendant. the attendant strapped dante into a harness seatbelt. a tube was attached to the wolf's muzzle gag.
Messy Truck
Now back in the cab of the truck, the bear drives himself and the wolf to a remote quiet street before parking the truck and entering the back of the cab. undressed, they enter the tiny bed in the back.
Trucking With Daddy
trucking with daddy rodger huffed on a cigar in the drivers seat of his truck while he waited on his son. the big, pot bellied brown furred wolf had been waiting on chris for about ten minutes now.
The Truck Stop
All the trucks heading north to the arctic circle have to come through here, as do the southbound trucks. as i near my destination, the smell of diesel fuel gets stronger.
Bella's story: Day 1:part 1
Shifting into first i let of the parking brake and pulled the green truck out of the barn and turned down the road. my ear buds starting playing toby keith's american ride as i shifted the truck into third.