1. (DSV Nautica) Launching of a Legacy

The best way to describe the day was charged. Excited. It could be felt in the air itself. Thousands of Ayr'een had been working for this day to complete the legacy set forth by their mothers and fathers, and their mothers and fathers, and even far...

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40 (DSV Nautica) Understanding

Loki sat before the Elder, whom took a seat as well, on the throne. They exchanged a flurry of mental images, without speaking one word. The Draconid processed these images. The preperations of a war against them, leading to the destruction of a star...

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39 (DSV Nautica) Listening

The sky over Av'lhn, or Avalon were clear as ever,  but there was as tense shift in the winds. Not the traditional winds of the planet, but more a shift in the galaxies winds of the will. They were great sweeping winds of change, being forced upon them...

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38 (DSV Nautica) Through and Through

The Mors crawled slowly toward the event horizon, guns warming up and preparing for whatever might be on the other side. The ships of the fleet fell to its side, slowly squeezing together so that they would fit."Alright, we have no idea what to expect....

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37 (DSV Nautica) Drowning

Flare let out a sigh, overlooking the ruins below her. The natives were undergoing some kind of ritual tonight, a rite of passage that all had to follow. It was fascinating, needless to say, but she had other thoughts on her mind. She had overheard...

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36 (DSV Nautica) A Plan

Ancient hallways lit slowly. Old conduits not used in a millenia began to flow with will power once again. Rumbling to life, a new section powered on, the data streaming into processing columns.Time started at 12 hours, 57 minutes, 41 seconds. Mark.The...

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35 (DSV Nautica) Realization

"Lyn...Lyn! Pull it up!""Im tryin-NO! Its not going to work!"The Thanatos came out way too close to the planet. They hit something in orbit. Then something else. Then ten other things. Then a hundred. Whatever they were hitting was knocking them around...

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34 (DSV Nautica) Eidolon

The world was nothing but white. In all directions, an infinity. An odd reversal of the normally black space. Just being here was toxic to the mind. So much knowledge, so much accumulated data, that it would destroy any mind that would see it....

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33 (DSV Nautica) Out of power, Out of time

Lyn bowed her head, her hair hiding her face. "Ill do better...""If you don't, no more pep talks."Flare returned to the captains chair, taking a seat and pulling the ship status map. Several sections of the ship were completely dark. The rest was in...

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32 (DSV Nautica) Twilight Falling

Nothing as going right. Nothing could go right out here. The damage was severe, they needed a full drive recalibration, and on top of it, the resonance wouldn't reestablish itself for another 5 standard days. Just perfect. The Thanatos was in even...

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31 (DSV Nautica) Cerebri

The Architect stood on the barren landscape of Celebri, New Ayr's lone moon. He was under pressure now. He was always under pressure of course, but this was different. He had to build a warship unlike any the universe had yet to see, or at least that...

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30 (DSV Nautica) War

The Curator and The Architect stood in the matriarch's chamber, silently mulling over what they had been told. It wasn't going to be easy. They stole a glance at each other, reluctant to do as they were told."I never said it would be easy. It's really...

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