Werewolf Circus Chapter 2: A Not So Pleasant Surprise

I couldn't think straight. My mind was completely blank. All I wanted was to sleep, yet I was wide awake. Many thoughts floated through my clouded mind, so many thoughts, to many thoughts. My sanity couldn't exist in the clouded realm that was my mind,...

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Werewolf Circus Chapter 1: Changes

Hey, my name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex and I'm not your "normal" 16 year old boy. Let me explain...It started out like any other Friday afternoon, I was on the computer watching some videos on YouTube. That is until my older sister...

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Seleno Chapter 2: Changing Perspective

'Tick tock tick tock tick tock' The clock continued its countdown... I was sitting in biology staring at said clock, as the time before the end of school dwindled. Tick tock tick tock. Man, Why does it feel like the ticking sound is drilling into my...

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Seleno Chapter 1: A New Start

The names Mike. This is my story.... I was hot, sweating like crazy... why was I so hot? My eyes darted open. My room was bathed in moonlight and my window was wide open, I sighed before sitting up. I yawned as I checked the clock beside my bed: 2:20...

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