Chapter 2. A dragon's torture

Sometimes what we know as the truth isn't always the whole truth; it's just a pretty lie made to make us feel safe, loved, protected, to lull us into a false sense of security, and keep us calm behind a smokescreen. "Ymerc, wake up my son, happy fifth...

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A dark night, and an even darker past

We all hide from something, every one of us has a secret we don't want shared amongst the world. Mine is the fact my parents tried to kill me at the young age of eight. My weak roars bounced off the stone walls, I had once called home as my father's...

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The Dragon Clan

_When a dragon finds his mate, it isn't simply any mate. Not the way a wolf mates and raises its pups._ _No, a dragon's mate is it's soulmate--a missing puzzle piece. They are the light to every dark point in a dragon's life._ _A Dragon...

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Ymerc's confrontation

Dragon kind works to protect everyone, every species, every plant. They are the protectors of the world, constantly working to drive off the threat of Dark Magic. Some argue that it's a living, breathing thing. Others disagree. --Dragon...

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A Slaver's Will

Dark magic is a force made of evil, bending our world to its own selfish destruction. Though powerful, it uses one's own life force or those around to do its work, sapping life and bending the world till nothing remains but pure darkness. An...

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Forgotten Friendship part 3

\*\*\* I never was good with talking to Furest. Every time I was around her, all rational thoughts flew away. Only after she left did I realize what a fool I was. Throughout the past week, she filled my every thought. Despite the horrors of the harpy...

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Forgotten Friendship Part 2

I touched down, gripping the tomes against my body. _What is going on with me today? I haven't thought of Frith in eighty years._ Once inside, I grabbed a book with blank pages. Other creatures used a writing utensil of some sort, but with magic, no...

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Forgotten Friendship Pt 1

_A dragon's ability does not always manifest right away; it may take years. It could even appear when needed most. But for a rare few, a special bond has to be put into place--a bond like mateship works well for releasing one's inner...

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Doubt and Trust

Trust is the foundation of every relationship. Without trust, love can't exist. Sometimes, all it takes is a moment to strengthen the faith between the two to the point where not even the darkness from the abyss can break it. others a single moment can...

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A deceased daughter's wish

_Every creature holds mana within, though not all possess the ability to use it. Dragons, however, are an exception, able to utilize mana in more ways than any other creature. Some dragons use mana to breathe underwater. Others, to grow plants faster....

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The darkness rises

Chapter Fourteen We stopped on a cliff jutting out from a mountain. After all the flying I had done, my wings couldn't carry me any further. A distant sound echoed through the mountain range--like running water, but I couldn't pinpoint the...

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A dragons Judgement, and a healers test

_Death is a natural occurrence; it is part of the cycle of life. No matter how badly one wishes to live forever, time catches up to all of us. It is how we live. Our choices define our lives and give them meaning, not just for ourselves but also for...

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