Be careful what you buy on the internet

My name is Sam, and I am a dog. A yellow lab to be exact. I haven't always been this way. When I got up this morning, I was human. My boyfriend Kevin invited me over to his house to see this new charm he had ordered over the Internet. It came with...

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What makes a family

I awoke to my alarm ringing. I reached over to my nightstand, and tried in vain to mash the buttons and get it to stop buzzing. I don't know why I bothered because it never worked. I finally drug myself into a sitting position and found the switch to...

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Species Dysphoria

Ever since I was a boy, I had always felt that I should have been born a dog. I never felt like being human was right. Whenever I got the opportunity to be alone for a while, I would strip off my clothes and wonder around the house on all fours like...

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Obedience School

It seems like a bad dream, but here I am. Sitting here totally naked except for a dog collar at obedience school. My Boyfriend sits next to me holding my leash as if this was all perfectly normal. None of the other owners even bat an eye as I am made...

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The Dog in The Clearing

I was born in a time when computers and video games were still new. As they were fairly expensive, most homes didn't have either one. This forced us to find other ways to spend our time. I spent most of my time outside, playing in my back yard or...

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Was it only a dream? (Dark ending)

When one dreams, strange things can go through your mind. Fantastic things. The events I am about to relate came to me while I was sleeping a few nights ago, so bear with me if they seem strange. Are they just a dream, or a glance into a future that is...

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Was it only a dream (light ending)

When one dreams, strange things can go through your mind. Fantastic things. The events I am about to relate came to me while I was sleeping a few nights ago, so bear with me if they seem strange. Are they just a dream, or a glance into a future that is...

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The Quantum Dog Conundrum

I wake up with a splitting headache. I find myself lying on a cold concrete floor. I must be naked as I can feel my body heat seeping into the floor with every inch of my body. As my vision begins to clear, I can see an odd shape in front of my face....

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My son, the police dog

I stood in line with a dozen other men. Each of us naked except for the collar and vest embroidered with the word Police on them. When I heard the Police department was hiring this isn't exactly what I had in mind. When I got up this morning, my...

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A party i'll never forget

I don't know how I let my boyfriend Kevin talk me into this. We had been together for a few years now and he loved to experiment. He had always had a fantasy of becoming a nudist. He tried to talk me into attending an event with him, but I could never...

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Dog Days of Summer

It was a warm summer night, and I was sitting on the porch with my best friend Bryan. What might seem like two friends out enjoying the warm summer air can look quite different when you get a little closer in. Bryan is sitting with his legs dangling...

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The Dog house Kennels

I had just moved into a new neighborhood with my parents. My dad had been transferred for work, so we had to pack up everything and travel halfway across the country to this out of the way rural town. I had begged my parents to let me stay behind so I...

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