Family Affairs - Chapter 5, Finale Part 1

Family Affairs - Chapter 5, Finale Part 1 The fresh cookies were steaming on the coffee table, the blinds were shut, and Alex and I were settled in, ready to watch some t.v. together. After our scuffle earlier, it was nice to have her in my arms. I...

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Rain: Taylor's Book

Rain: Taylor's Book Linda woke in the dead of night, cold. Her new slave was still in her arms, and they were both still covered in the blanket. But she was still cold. Unsettled, she turned on the lamp, making sure to only dim it with its dial....

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Lone Wolf - Finale

Lone Wolf: Finale The intensity grew, and the situation took no light. The frustration on Agra's face barreled through Laren. She was absolutely terrified for her beloved, but knew better than to agitate the situation any more than she already had....

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Experiment - Part 1

Experiment - Part 1 April woke to a cold room, on a soft yet frigid surface. She was confused and in pain. Her mind was abuzz, doing its best to comprehend the situation. Fighting to get her eyes open, she observed the harsh lights being reflected by...

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Lone Wolf - Part 6

_I tried to get back to my roots. I really did. So, 6th part to my story._ Lone Wolf - Part 6 The lone wolf strode under the tall trees, letting the soft snow drift onto him and die on his fur. These recent events had left him crushed on the inside,...

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The one I love

I'm broken. That's it. There's nothing left. I'm broken. All I have left are the shimmering tears that run down my icy face. Was I too selfish? Too hateful. I became so spiteful...I loved her. It was so hard right now. She was my light, my beacon of...

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Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 3, Positive Reinforcement

Vinyl fumbled her way back into the suite, leaving the bottle behind. The place was empty. How long had she been out? The clock answered, chiming in on cue to announce eleven o'clock. Each tiny _ding_ shot through the white unicorn's ears like wasps:...

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Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 2, Dinner and Champagne

The ship had pushed off, and everything was in motion. The whole craft was gently swaying left and right as they sailed on out; Vinyl was lucky not to be prone to seasickness. In fact, she was managing herself quite well for the time they were out....

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Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 1, Boarding Pass

(2 Weeks Later) Vinyl, who had never been on a cruise before, stared out the window at the hulking blue ship. The thing was massive; it could probably hold a thousand ponies or more. From the boarding building's windows, she counted about fifteen...

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Moonlight Sonata: Prologue, Four Tickets

"A cruise? Like, a boat?" Vinyl asked, taking her pop tart out of the toaster. She flipped the steaming pastry, landing it on a small napkin she had laying out. Lyra sighed. The blunt look on her face showed her inner feelings about that question,...

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Lone Wolf - Part Five

Lone Wolf - Part Five Felan awoke in a shock. His sweat ran cold, chilling the night air of Nilu's hut. His breathing was at an increasing rate, parallel to his heart. There were tears in his eyes, and pain in his head. But nothing could compare...

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Family Affairs Chapter 4: Under Pressure - Part Two

_Woohoo! Second part of the fourth chapter of my first story series! Enjoy._ Family Affairs Chapter 4: Under Pressure - Part Two Alex was quick to respond. She ran out of her room and...

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