Wrath of the Gods

In dark pyramid two figures sat and debated how to murder Anubis and his ungodly lover. Suddenly the whole pyramid lit up with light as Horus entered and he said hello Seth and to you to Apep what are we discussing. Apep said with a hiss. Murder of...

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* * * Hope is like a candle it flickers in the wind and suddenly it's gone. But as suddenly it can grow to an inferno. Don't give up hope.


Recovery time

Everthing hurts right now. But the wall is gone. I'm free again. Time to find out what has been kept from me. Please don't be worried about me im OK. Just need more time to heal and adjust to the freedom. Where there once was despaire there is...

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The survivalist

My name is Lex. And I have survived a horrible nightmare. Here I am in a hospital. Both of my legs are broken beyond repair. Maybe I should have mentioned that I am not a human but an anthropomorphic wolf. Back to the story at hand. There was a loud...

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Sickness and in health

**IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH ** My name is Richard Wolf-paw and I'm a male great Dane and right now I'm in deep sorrow and mourning. My story started ten years ago when I met my then husband at a local gay bar. He was a gorgeous...

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