Still Searching: The White Fox

"Knight Eight, permission granted. You are cleared to land, over." The familiar monotone voice croaked through the radio, punctuating his last sentence with a static hiss to mark the end of the transmission. Knight Eight took a while to make his...

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Still Searching: Humble Beginnings

_Why is it that we all reach out for someone? Seriously, how did this yearning for pairing off come to be? Is it instinctual, or do we just think it is because everyone's done it for the past so many hundreds of years?_ _And why is it that every...

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Still Searching: Lost and Found

Cold. It was cold. The office Rik sat in was heavily air-conditioned. In contrast with the warmth outside, this was arctic to him. The pilot sat hand-cuffed uncomfortably to an uneven chair. Also in the office were two guardsmen. He couldn't see them,...

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