My Kitty

'Class is going so slow today' I thought. I am a 14 year-old 5'6" German Shepherd named Mike, but everyone calls me MnM for some reason... I have blue eyes and a solid brown coat broken only by a black nose, light brown ears and a spot on my tail from...

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Accident That Never Happened Chapter 3

Class was something else today. We had a substitute, which meant I didn't have to think twice about sleeping in class. As soon as the door closed, I layed my head on my desk and closed my eyes. "Allen." I felt a nudge on my back and a folded paper slid...

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Accident That Never Happened 2

"Pepper." I placed my hand on his arm and he released Hale. "Thank you, but I think I can handle him from here." He backed away, giving Hale a nasty scowl. Pepper walked out of the room, just out of our sight. "Hale, please just give me a break, you...

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Accident That Never Happened

"No, I'm almost there, just relax. No, I didn't pick it up, I was running low on time. Yeah, ok, bye." I closed my phone just as I opened the door. My sister greeted me as I walked inside. "I KNOW I told you not to come home without my cake! Now what...

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Unwanted Chapter 4

"Danny, stop, you're hurting him!" Jay ran into the room and pulled the panther off of Jake. Jake fell to the floor, rubbing his neck and coughing. Jay helped him up and set him on the couch. "You know him?" The panther said, staring at Jake. "Yes, he...

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My Kitty Chapter 23

When the car stopped, we all ran to the building. Zach greeted us when we got inside. "Hey, there's the little guys." He said, hugging Maxx. "Let's just get this over with, I hate heights." Maxx said, shaking in Zach's hold. We walked into a room with...

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My Kitty Chapter 22

I woke up and took a big yawn. I felt like I had barely slept, and could fall back to sleep at any moment. Trevor was still sleeping, smiling ear-to-ear. "Wonder if the big cats made any coffee." I whispered to myself as I slowly stood up. My knees...

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My Kitty Chapter 21

"So... wutcha wanna do?" I said, now sitting on the bed swinging my legs off the side. "You know what I want." He blushed, pushing me on my chest. He grabbed my tail and rested his head on my shoulder. "A little fun never hurt nobody." "Yeah... No." I...

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Unwanted Chapter 3

Jake woke up on the ground in an alley. He was against a wall and everything looked fuzzy. There was a cut on his arm, but it didn't concern him. He slowly got up, but was still dizzy. He looked around for a bit. He walked around, trying to regain his...

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My Kitty Chapter 20

Trevor giggled a little bit, and I gave him an angry look. He stopped but still had to hold back a smile. "This stupid cat put it on me and locked it on." Scott giggled and took a closer look. "Trev's ch-" I put my hand over his mouth before he could...

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Unwanted Chapter 2

Jake unfortunatley got to his class quickly, despite the students now flooding the halls. He sat at his usual seat, as close as he could to the back. He waited till the teacher would start his lecture. It was math, his worst subject. There was only one...

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My Kitty Chapter 19

I peeked in and saw my kitten just finishing his shower. He shut off the water and stepped out, the water shined brightly on his fur. He grabbed a towel and walked slowly to the door. I ran to his bed and sat like I had been sitting there the entire...

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