Differentials: Part 5 - Memories

_PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T SEE CHAPTER 3 + 4 PLEASE READ: A shout-out to any of you people out there who didn't see chapter three or four, it is either because you are viewing the website without an account, or you don't have it in your account settings to...

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Differentials: Part 4 - Wake Up Calls

_Hello to all! I am continuing with my thanks for your continuing help and support which without it I would have stopped ages ago._ _Also I have a feeling I am failing in the battle to keep this series as non-sexual as possible, as the situation of...

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Differentials: Part 3 - A New Home

_So hello again! I'm happy for all the support you've given me and I'm still planning on going ahead with the extended version._ _On the plus side, I've worked out another way to juice every single drop of story from my ideas! Hopefully this won't end...

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Differentials: Part 2 - Introductions

_Hello again! Thank you for all the support you guys have given me and I hope you will find no need for disappointment in my stories. On a serious note however I am completely failing at a thing called planning ahead, so after a few more chapters I...

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Differentials: Part 1 - The Sanctuary

_Author's Note: Hai, this is my first time writing a story outside of an English lesson so please bare with me if I am a bit rubbish. I am hoping to spend as much of my free time as possible writing this although I have a feeling there will be some...

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A New Life: Part 3 - A Budding Friendship

- - - - Have you ever seen any of those documentaries where the cameramen get really close to mother elephants, saying how they were very protective of their young, and then get charged at when they get too close. Well, this was sort of the same idea,...

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A New Life: Part 2 - Friends, Enemies, and the Idiots Inbetween

- - - - "AAAAAAAAARGH!", I exclaimed. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY COCK!", I shouted as I stared at my privates in horror. It was gone, everything was gone and was instead replaced by a gaping hole. In my outburst I had woken some of the other pokémon here,...

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A New Life: Part 1 - The Beginnings

- - - - My ears were being flooded by a high-pitched tone; the kind of noise that just randomly starts without any conceivable reason and refuses to stop; at least not until you've shaken your head into oblivion to try and get rid of it, leaving you...

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