The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 6: Soul Burn
Everything seemed normal at the time. For once his dreams were peaceful, filled with happy surroundings. The evening in his thoughts was nice and quiet, with crickets chirping and peaceful streams of moonlight coursing down against his face. Nearby,...
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 5: ...Our Fire will Consume the Earth.
The courtyard outside of the Castle was strangely devoid of company. The busy streets of Canterlot weren't affected by this, however the lack of ponies outside of the grand castle was rather strange, even for a Saturday evening. The polished white tile...
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 4: ...And our Hearts Shattered...
Drip... Drip... Drip... The sound echoed dryly down the tunnel, bouncing off the walls. Heavy breathing mixed with the odd echo, giving a haunting note down the brightly lit tunnel. Tapping of claws followed the noise, slowly and unsteadily moving...
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 3: When Our Chains are Broken...
She was alive. The nearly fatally fast pounding in her chest told her that much. Blood as hot as an open flame coursed through her veins at unhealthy speeds. Her ears picked up a thudding, she didn't know nor care if it was simply the pounding of her...
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 2: The Long Way Down
The day passed rather slowly to her. Nothing to do, besides wait. Cynder had always considered herself patient, but even that had it's limits. She was on edge, needed something to do, something that would stop the insistent itch across her scales. She...
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 1: Brutalized
The night sky was a daunting thing. So silent and massive, gazing back with an image of the entire universe. Waiting within, a nest of bright lights and images of the galaxy they found themselves in. Such an image in reality was so much more...