Drifting into a wonderful fantasyland

When I got a few blocks away from Chris' house I started to think long and hard about the day and how it had gone. I had actually gotten to talk to the guy I had come to realize was the biggest crush in my life so far. Not only that but I had...

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Things happen so fast it can become a blur

With his hand extended out to me he said, "Hey, my name is Chris and I noticed that you were the one who brought this and a couple other shows for all of us to watch." I'm sure my cheeks were a little red when I stuck out my own hand and shook...

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The wheels start turning

"So, which show should I bring to watch next?", I posed to my group of friends for about the fifth time since the school year started a month ago. "I'm thinking one of the three: Hellsinger, Large Uno, or Evangeline?". "Well, Evangeline's...

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An Apprehensive Introduction

Be a man. The one phrase that has permeated through out my childhood and beyond. Being the product of army parents you would hear this phrase frequently. My name is Joseph Garcia III or Joey for short. Currently a senior at San Jose High I...

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