Drifting into a wonderful fantasyland

Story by zacky351 on SoFurry

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#4 of Life Goes On Series

After my first day spending time with my big crush my mind goes wild with lust.

When I got a few blocks away from Chris' house I started to think long and hard about the day and how it had gone. I had actually gotten to talk to the guy I had come to realize was the biggest crush in my life so far. Not only that but I had gotten to go to his house and sit in his bed with him albeit with Max in it too, but that was beside the point. Just having sat down next to Chris in the science room earlier today had triggered more than I could have imagined. It still surprised me how friendly Chris had been toward me. He did give off an air of friendliness, but I had grown a little cynical from all the moving so I didn't really expect him to be so kind to me so easily. There was still a little part of me that suspected he was only being nice to me so that he could borrow my stuff, but given that I had a huge crush on him I didn't really care too much as long as he was around.

When I got back to my own families one story three bedroom house it was about seven fifteen not much later than I normally get home. I usually spend a couple of hours after school at the local library doing homework or sitting around reading, when I'm not deep into one of my many JRG's that is. As I walked in my mother and Miguel were sitting at the couch watching a movie on the T.V. As a slow boring part comes on my mom turns to me and says "Hi there Joey, did you have fun with your friend?" "Yeah, sure did." I replied. " It's been a little while since you've been out with a friend, which one was it? Was it John from next door, or that tiger Will he is a bit of a chatterbox, or was it that nice hyena Patrick?" ,"Uh, it was a guy I got to know recently during my lunch breaks his name is Chris and he's a lion on the wrestling team.", "Oh that's nice you've made a new friend, maybe you could have him come here some time?". "Probably not, he's usually pretty tired after practice and likes to head straight home afterward." Having just talked to Chris for the first time that day I obviously didn't know if that was all he ever did after school, but I would very much prefer to go to his house and his room in particular rather than have him look at my pigsty of a room. "Oh, well if he ever has a chance invite him over." my mother suggests with a smile and turns back to the T.V. Miguel never having said a word as he just stares blankly at it. I just give her a nod and headed to my room.

Once in my room I locked the door as I usually did and jumped into bed to relax and listen to some music before I took my pre bed shower. I have a pretty normal and messy room by most standards. I usually cleaned my room every couple of weeks which meant that my floor was usually covered in food wrappers and discarded clothing that I usually gathered into a pile in the corner when I felt like it. I have a rather small bed taking up the left corner of the room as you walk in, my desk with random crap strewn about it taking up almost as much space as the bed in the far right corner of the room near the door that leads from our house to the garage right outside. A small entertainment stand with my average T.V. and good ol' PL2 being all the things I need to store on it a few feet from my bed between which is my trusty small cabinet with my favorite old timey bedside lamp from my grandparents resting on top of it. The only thing out of the ordinary in my room being my floor to ceiling length decently large bookshelf a few feet away from the foot of my bed which I had stuffed with books, manga and anime dvd's to the point where I had to get a second smaller shelf from my grandparents garage to put right next to it.

As I am getting lost in a playlist of trance I start to think about Chris. His big soft smile, his extremely soft looking mane, the body toned from wrestling and what he would look like in a wrestling singlet. That last one causing my groin to stir and I gladly gave it a few gropes and squeezes. I then pictured what it would be like to be in the locker room post wrestling practice with Chris and all those well toned guys I saw around him earlier that day. All of the nude bodies getting nice and soaped up, the cursory glances to compare sizes and the playful grabs thrown about. Being young and horny this scene in my head of course took a turn for the sexier. I imagined Chris walking into the locker room a bit late, having helped the coach with some of the equipment, to find only two others with towels around their waists getting ready for their showers. One of them a nice tall and bulky wolf I had spotted in the group of wrestlers along with a slim yet very fit otter I noticed chatting with said wolf. Chris nods at them with his usual smile and asks, "Hey guys, got stalled by everyone else hogging up all the showers?", "Oh, yeah yeah. The showers were packed so we decided to wait a little while til it cleared up." the otter replies somewhat nervously. The wolf just stays quiet and nods from the otter to the shower clearly wanting to get on his way.

Chris just shrugs his shoulders and starts to undress. As he is pulling off his shirt Chris hears the sound of one of the showers starting to run. Not thinking anything of it he proceeds to pull both his shorts and underwear down as one. As he moves to grab his towel from his pack he notices that he never heard a second shower being turned on. As he picks up his towel he perks his round ears up listening for any sounds coming from the showers. What he hears shocks him, "I don't know if we should be doing this now. I mean Chris is in here." the otter says nervously, "I don't give a damn. He can join us if he wants to." says the wolf followed by the sound of lips being licked.

Chris is very hesitant on what to do next after having heard that and looks down in an effort to think, only to find that his dick was slowly coming out of its sheath. He listens in on the two in the showers one more time to hear the sound of slurping and this causes his dick to grow to its full eight inches. With no more hesitation Chris walks into the shower room to find another surprise, the wolf kneeling on all fours in front of the otter with about seven of his nine and a half inches in the wolves mouth. The otter looks over at Chris noticing his erection and with a smirk says down to the wolf, "Guess you were right about him joining us." The wolf lets the otter's cock pop out of his mouth to look over his shoulder at Chris and says, "I had a feeling he would go for this." while raising his tail and spreading his big bubble butt apart to give Chris a very nice view. The wolf then puts the otters dick back in his mouth and goes back to bobbing up and down on it.

The otter sticks his hand out and motions for Chris to join them, "Come on, I'll let you take the first crack at his sweet ass. I love sloppy seconds anyway." Chris' tail sways about behind him even faster at hearing this. "Sure, thanks. As long as he is alright with that." he says while openly staring at the wolves rump. The wolf lets the dick pop out of his mouth once more to say, "Oh, I don't mind at all. Just be sure to loosen me up real nice first." licking his lips suggestively then getting back to work on the otter's cock. Chris gets a confused look on his face and looks to the otter for guidance. The otter looks him straight in the eyes and sticks his tounge out fully to make a long dragging motion with it through the air. Chris looks a bit shocked by this and points from the otters tounge to the wolves ass with an unsure look on his face. The otter just grins and nods. Chris hesitantly starts to kneel down, but once he is eye level with the wolves ass he looks up at the otter again and just smiles. The otter smiles back and says with a wink, "Go for it, it'll be fun. Trust me."

At that last bit of encouragement Chris sticks his tounge out and places it against the wolves hanging balls, feeling like starting safer and working his way up. He rolls the wolves balls around with his tounge for a bit to which he gets few appreciative moans from the wolf. He then proceeds to take turns sucking each ball into his mouth and swirling it around a bit causing the wolf to moan louder. At this Chris decides to take the full plunge and makes one long drag of his tounge from the wolves balls to the pulsing tailhole all the way to the tailbase causing a large shudder to run through the wolves body and a deep moan to escape his otherwise occupied mouth. Chris licks his lips at this point and after not finding any unsavory tastes fully throws his inhibitions out and goes to town. He gives the wolves tailhole a thorough tounge bath even going so far as to stick it inside and wiggle it around to the wolves sheer ecstasy.

By this point I was very deep into my fantasy and had long ago unzipped my pants and was stroking my six and a half inch cock using my precum and spit as lube. As the Chris in my fantasy was finishing his tounge bathing of the wolves ass and getting ready to penetrate that great big ass I was shoved back into reality by the sound of loud knocking at my door. "Hey! Joey! When you plan on taking your shower? I wanna take one soon so hurry up and get yours done." I let out a growl of irritation and yell back, "Fine Antonio! I'll hop in just a minute." He yells back at me "Alright, just don't take all day!" I let out another growl of irritation at the abrupt interruption of my best fantasy yet. I let out one more faint grumble as I look at my steadily throbbing rod and think to myself, "Bah, guess I can just finish up during my shower." After finishing my business and my shower I lie back down in my bed and drift off into dreaming about Chris and the many things I would like to see him do and do to him.


A good old masturbation induced fantasy. Seen a couple around the site and in other places on the net over the years and liked a good amount of them. Not sure if others like them too, but I do hope that some of you like what I did with it. I may make this into some sort of subseries if I feel the creative juices flowing toward it. And yes I was and still am as messy as I said in the story.The descriptions of the layouts of the various places and specific rooms is done to the best of my memories. I hope the knowledge of this story series being semi-autobiographical is seen as interesting and not unnecessary or boring to anyone reading this. Any comments, criticisms and suggestions will be greatly thought upon.