D.E1 Chapter 65: Bittersweet victory

Both fought within the deadly mass of assassin types along with their brothers and also many evocanis. "we have to fall back. they are gaining advantage!"

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D.E1 Chapter 67: The Last Cry of the Evocanis

The powerful great dane-doberman evocanis showed strength in a way that any species not knowledgeable of the evocanis' gentle nature would doubt of their peacefulness.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Three

What is an evocanis?" "oh, sorry!" husky immediately realized he hadn't told little yukiomaru the name of their race. "evocanis is the name of our race." "evocanis genesis, as we recently have discovered." hasky added.

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D.E1/LOTVS Crossover: Chapter 3 (Husky P.O.V)

What is an evocanis?" "oh, sorry!" husky immediately realized he hadn't told little yukiomaru the name of their race. "evocanis is the name of our race." "evocanis genesis, as we recently have discovered." hasky added.

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D.E1 Chapter 52: The Third Offense Part II

These were the worst news that older generation evocanis could hear. but that wasn't all. "no..." luke gasped. "not again; we've had enough!" desperation mixed with fear and anger now overwhelmed the chestnut evocanis.

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D.E1 Chapter 10: Inevitable fate

But if you were wondering how the retcans first met the evocanis, this chapter will make that clear. during the second attack, the evocanis almost lost their fight for survival.

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D.E1 Chapter 68: The Last Cry of the Evocanis Part II

Were the only words that came out the young evocanis. it was his instinct to call for a stronger evocanis; that evocanis that had cared of him all his life. but husky's energy wasn't gone yet.

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D.E1 Chapter 72: Into the bowels

Standing in front of him, it was impossible not to recognize this large black and brown evocanis. it was his d.e1 partner and an evocanis that had became so dear to him. his friend anubis...

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D.E1 Chapter 37 Forging Bonds

The words of the young white evocanis fell in deaf ears. lay walked at a strong pace towards k9, who quickly felt intimidated by the penetrating gaze of the wolf-malamute evocanis. "lay," k9 said. "we found our lost brothers."

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Project D.E: Chapter 2 A New Home

A disguise that built-in sensors in ships belonging to retcans or evocanis could see through. "yes; i see it!" husky the evocanis sprung from his seat. a set of lights flashing, outlining the base dimensions of something larger.

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D.E1 Part II Epilogue

Retcans and evocanis would never let this happen again. the smoke dissipated from canis major's hangar. evocanis had claimed victory once the last blank mask fell motionless.

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