Darkness and Starlight 21 - The Darkening Sky

A demanding finger gesture pointing towards the ground made the creature stop growling, staring up at koopin before reluctantly opening its mouth. it was at least big enough to reach up to koopin's thigh.

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A Mole, A Raptor and a Koopa (M/M)

But first, koopin can you gimme a lubing?" "heheh, sure hun." james licked his lips as he pulled up his thick brown scaly shaft, sliding it down the mole's cheeks and pushing past his balls towards koopin's beak.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 10 - To Southern Seas

"oh koopin here's just showing me around, giving me a tour of the place to see where i can fit, right koopin?" "u-uhhh yeah, yeah thassit."

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Darkness and Starlight 23 - A History of Violence

The moment koopin called out, he immediately regretted it. james turned to see his lover, his face sunken with both fear and agony as he tried to stand up. "koopin...no! no koopin get away!" "james what's happening?!

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Darkness and Starlight 27 - I'll Wait For You

Either way, regrets remain, and wishes are kept within both james and koopin's hearts. one day, he may return. he will return. that is koopin's wish.

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Darkness and Starlight 18 - The Star Warrior

koopin did not dodge this time, stepping forwards with a defiant roar. somehow the white pellets shattered before reaching his body, a shimmering light appearing before koopin in the shape of a star.

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Night at the Kennidons

"if that's what you want," added koopin politely, "i don't mind.

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Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 9 - Dusty Dunes

The older koopa asked koopin with a sombre tone: "didya find 'im?" "not just that," replied koopin, "i got a surprise for ya!"

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Darkness and Starlight 7 - Open For Business

"koopin!" "what?!" "...look out!" the moment koopin turned to face james, the red bandit rushed towards koopin's back, ready to charge through him.

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