Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 1 - Furious Flotsam
Donkey kong country belong to rareware and nintendo, finalgamer to me. **the chronicles of finalgamer crocs of the leather stick together** _"it is when pirates count their booty that they become mere thieves."
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 14 - Spectral Showdown
Donkey kong country is copyrighted to nintendo/rareware, finalgamer to me when james heard the name of gloomy gulch for the first time, he was expecting something a lot more desolate, like a gulch in a desert.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 3 - Ravaging Raptors
Donkey kong country belongs to nintendo/rareware, finalgamer to me the next morning, james got up faster than the rest of the crew, speeding up towards deck with a surprising enthusiasm.
Crocs of the Leather Stick Together 15 - Krooked Keep
Donkey kong country is copyrighted to nintendo/rareware, finalgamer to me.
The Final Anomaly 2 - Riptor's Plan
Final fantasy copyrighted to ivalice, riptor to rareware, oddclaw to me _t.e.a.r. case brief 433 - t.e.a.r. vs.
Remember Me 1 - With Eyes Reflecting Sunsets
Lemmings copyrighted to dma design, riptor to rareware, all other chars to me _"nnnnngh...good morning."_ _"is it?"_ muttered sunscreech.
Angels of Aurum 1 - Across The Sea
Riptor copyrighted to rareware, sunscreech and others to me **_the scriptures of oddclaw_** _twelve-and-one: angels of aurum_ _"a malady_ _preys on my heart that med'cine cannot reach.
Children of the Earth and Sky 8 - The Dreams They Felt
Riptor copyrighted to rareware inc., vagrant story and inhabitants to square-enix a sound through the darkness pierced her senses.
When I Chose You 1 - I Lost My Heart
Riptor copyrighted to rareware, all other chars to me **_the scriptures of oddclaw_** **fifteen: when i chose you** _"whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. however, that parting need not last forever.
Otherworld Vixens
Otherworld vixens by gideon kalve jarvis note: robin hood and maid marion © disney; krystal © rareware; renamon © toei animation.
Your Possible Pasts 6 - Ebb And Flow
Ecco copyrighted to appaloosa interactive, riptor to rareware, all others to me _"it all started in my youth,"_ ecco began, _"back in the home bay that i was born and raised in, there was a fearsome typhoon that came from the stars