Tsume in wonderland

tsume: no, my name is tsume sakamea jake: what kind of stupid name is that? tsume: hey !


the magic school bus: city animals

tsume: this is going to get crazy , i need to get out of here tsume said as she stood up on a bench and shouted tsume: freedom !!!!

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Halloween gone bad

Suzumi rang the door bell and said the password as the door opens tsume jaw dropped as she saw jessica jessica: well well well , if it isn't tsume and her 6 little munchkins tsume: time to go kids hex: but mom tsume: now !

Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 6

You tsume: unlike you i have a good reason to scream jake: hey tsume ...i wanted to ask you something tsume: what is it ?

A Night at the Den

tsume was in a similar state, both savoring their sweet afterglow, wishing they could hang on to it just a little longer. "tsume," toboe said in his quiet voice. "yes...?" tsume muttered between his panting. "i love you... tsume... so much..."

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Kingdom Hearts: time to say goodbye and on to the next world

, i wanted to kick his ass tsume: jake clam down . tsume sigh as there keyblades disappear then tsume turn to roxa tsume: roxas how did you get a keyblade?

Digimon: Digi-blast: trouble

My lead " tsume whispered to him, jake just nod as then tsume just fell out of the chair making jake run over to her " tsume, tsume?!

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off to the Olympus Coliseum !

#### before tsume could say something they heard a boom ##### ##### ##### ##### tsume: what was that ?