
Tommy ran back down as fast as hepossible could. He rushed over to T.K who was still napping. Tommy jumped on the table as he neared it and shook T.K rapidly yelling, "We got to get out of here!" T.K eyes blinked several times he yawned, "Wha-" Tommy...

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Veemon finished tending to what remained his mini farm. While inside Blackgatomon was checking in with Lisa. A glass window separated them. Lisa condition made her hair look all messy. She pressed her hand against the glass. Blackgatomon asked, "Are...

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Isolated Guilmon was on he fields digging graves. He looked at Lena as she went at another area. Guilmon huffed a little and he thought that it was just the strain of the moment. He swiped his head and kept at it. The doctor was at a table and the...

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The walkers were someone what frantic that night pressing against the fence. And the situation worsened as a flashlight beamed light into their lifeless eyes and carefully shoved the rat so the walkers could feed on the rats. The kid who had the fever...

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30 days without an accident

The walkers pressed against the fence denied of there only objective to eat flesh. A great deal of humans and creatures were never a part of Kiff's massacre. They were allowed to live and everything seemed to prosper. Veemon and Gatomon once again...

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Spike Returns

The streets for a long time were a barren waste land. The car sat dead and destroyed the buildings near collapsed. The string of becoming pure became impossible. Veemon knew that as far and as twisted he became he could see the reflection. His red eyes...

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Inmates Emily dairy: 'I can't believe how long it's been since the barn. I used to think that I should have just ended it there but I was wrong. Being a part of a new group has really brought everything together. Scourge and Emily are running deep in...

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The breeze of the apocalypse was had an unbarring effect on those left to feel it. This hell had lasted thing long and there was just no sign of it debating. Kotemon stood firmly staring at the gates where the prison was being filled with the...

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The Princes Treasure

There was a kingdom of foxes in the middle of the country. The castle was dead center of the kingdom and surrounding it were the common place foxes. The prince was a young fox named Alex. He had light bright fur and a long tail. His ears perked high...

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Kindled Hearts &; the Rise of King Scourge

It was the biggest day of Veemon's life. Today he would finally marry the love of his life. He was decked out in a full blue suit. Gatomon went to go tell Patamon the news. Patamon had lived close to the northern sector. She came up to his house. He...

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With Angels Wings

Veemon was not adjusted to the real world. Much of the dream world was like it. The tall buildings that Digimon now occupied were taller and shiner. He was a bit spooked by all the Digi\_Sluts openly roamed the streets. He wasn't used to being home...

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Rudolph’s secret

The newest member of the Christmas team was Rudolph. He was the smallest, thinnest and youngest reindeer of the group. He had left his home because of a secret he held. He was hoping to avoid having the reindeer here also make fun of him. Like most...

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