Adoption Day pt 1: too much of the wrong love(no rape)

Hello, 2vdog here with a no rape version of my previous story! This would have been out yesterday, but I decided to go through and change some minor things so it would make cognitive sense without the rape scene (although rape is still implied). Just...

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Adoption Day pt 1: too much of the wrong love

2vdog here with another story! But first, allow me to apologize for how long this story took to put out. Admittedly I had some difficulty getting in the proper mindset to write the first half of it (as the first half is rather melancholy). I will...

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In Need Of A Loving Home

Hey! 2vdog finally back with another story. I'm so sorry that this took so long to put out, but long story short I accidentally gave myself a concussion. Even after I recovered, words became a lot more difficult to think of, I began hating a lot of the...

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