29 (DSV Nautica) Three days

Three days later...Lieutenant Chrys sat at his station, bored out of his mind. A tiny stellar outpost on the edge of the wild lands didn't get that much action, despite the way the media portrayed this place. It you couldn't get more bored with a...

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27 (DSV Nautica) Fallen Angel

Aki stared at the ceiling, trying to make sense of it all. This was just too much for her. She felt so tired. So worn out as if she had just tried to singlehandedly move a mountain with her will. May'ael restrained her briefly, easing off as it became...

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28 (DSV Nautica) Recovery

The FTL tunnel dissipated, the Erebus returning to normal space. The scans began almost immediately."Captain, No survivors are being detected..." De'ans voice was heavy with remorse and anger.Aki exhaled through her nose, sighing heavily. She wasn't...

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25 (DSV Nautica) Deep Shadows

The two races faced off. They would fight to get the opportunity to see such an event. Both sides had been furiously racing to get another glimpse, ever since the first one. This would be a fight to the death.Missile contrails and tracers shot across...

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26 (DSV Nautica) Stillness

It was cold. Very cold where Aki was. The sun had not moved. It was almost like a never ending twilight. Celeste stood unmoving, staring off into the distance. Would she ever be allowed back? Celeste smiled, as something moved in Aki's peripheral...

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23 (DSV Nautica) Wrecked

The Erebus groaned around them. The will conduits were under huge stress. A clang and a shriek. The Draconids were trying to cut through the hull to get inside. With a single shared thought, Aki issued the order to spiral. The engineers hung on for...

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24 (DSV Nautica) Lost in Time, Lost in Space...

Aki opened her eyes to blue skies. She frowned and raised her head ever so slightly. She was lying nude in a clearing of trees. Feeling herself and the surroundings for anything that might be with her, finding nothing. It was weird. The clearing was...

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21 (DSV Nautica) Unforgiven

Lyn did the best she could to stumbled out into the airlock. It was hard to move. Everything felt tight, and she was getting light headed. She tried to shake it off, forming a shield around herself so she could begin spacewalking."Ash..open...the...

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22 (DSV Nautica) Whispers of things to come

Zhi sat in his quarters, running his hands over together in a nervous fashion. Aki had essentially fired him from his position. The ship rumbled around him, and the familiar sound of an FTL tunnel whooshed around him. He sighed, and laid back down. He...

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20 (DSV Nautica) Together

"Zhi, hurry up!" Aki snickered, carrying the wooden slat with her. She was 25 meters ahead of the panting Zhi, crouched on a lichen covered granite boulder."Slow poke!""Shut up!"Aki rolled her eyes and got up, bounding from rock to rock with ease, up...

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19 (DSV Nautica) Time

Lyn was in the worst bind yet. Trapped on the bridge and she had made a sound.  Cloaks didn't block sound. This was bad...this was really bad...She got up and used her board to hover in the air. Absurdly dangerous, and the only option. She hovered mere...

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18 (DSV Nautica) Dreams and Determination

"Aki, please get some water. Your mother isn't feeling so good."Aki ran with the bucket, the soft pat of her feet against the earth blending in with the trees all around her. She jumped over fallen trunks along the worn path to the spring not far from...

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