Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 17 of 37

~ **Chapter 17 ~** Officer Wilkes' office was located in the Thomas H. Chesim municipal building located out of the way of normal bus routes. The offices themselves were a branch of the local police department and were housed in the unused third...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 12 of 37

**~ Chapter 12 ~** _A steady beat and counter-beat throbbed throughout the dance-floor of Infinitá as countless bodies gyrated and pulsed to the music through a thick, smoky haze._ _An arabian wolf with his tail tipped in black was among the...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 11 of 37

~ **Chapter 11 ~** I stood by the window in Cade's bedroom smoking a cig. The early morning was giving way to mid-morning. Out Cade's window and through the trees lining the property division was the house next door. No windows on their side. A...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 10 of 37

~ **Chapter 10 ~** The park was dimly lit by tarry, yellow tungsten glows from squared black lampposts illuminating the jogging trail. Park hours were almost up as the sun dipped below the horizon. We didn't care, having the park to ourselves in...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 9 of 37

~ **Chapter 9 ~** "All fall down." "What?" I mumbled, lifting my muzzle off the tabletop and looking up at Tiffany. She smiled, bemused. Taking the rather weak gin and tonic with the lime slice eaten down to its rind, she replaced it with...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 8 of 37

~ **Chapter 8 ~** Nothing. I took a long gulp from my water bottle that I had just refilled and looked onto the street below me. Pallid, orange light from the streetlamps below hung in ambience. Cars passed by below me, slow. I perked my ears...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 7 of 37

~ **Chapter 7 ~** The atmosphere at Infinitá was same as usual except for one detail: Cade and I were party animals! As corny as that sounds, we danced and drank and sweated and touched until we could do no more but collapse upon each other in...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 6 of 37

~ **Chapter 6 ~** At 10:00 am I got off the bus in front of the zoo entrance. The parking lot was shimmering in the heat as if I was looking through a veil of water. My sandals quickly warmed up on the sidewalk and I was glad I didn't drive. Tar on...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 5 of 37

~ **Chapter 5 ~** _Cdnce1282 has signed in (8:22 pm)_ **Aarbo4vr** (8:24 pm): Hey **Aarbo4vr** (8:24 pm): it's Aaron **Cdnce1282** (8:24 pm): Hi! You were able to make out my chicken-scratch, then? :P **Aarbo4vr** (8:25 pm): lol, yeah....

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 25 of 37

**~ Chapter 25 ~** The line between late summer and early autumn was blurring. The days were still as balmy as ever but the nights were cooling. The nights were still too warm for shoes or long-sleeved shirts, but the air felt less oppressive...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 24 of 37

**~ Chapter 24 ~** _Bbzzzzt......_ _Bbzzzzzt....._ It was a couple of days from my passing out at the toilet in Becky's hospital bathroom. Mom and Dad had assumed it was from the stress of seeing Becky's condition. I didn't expand on...

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 23 of 37

**~ Chapter 23 ~** I always hated going to Saint Catherine's. Hospitals, as well meaning as they are, just aren't a friendly place to me. I know they try to make the hallways more inviting with warm, pastel colors and paintings done by local...

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