Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 3

**Giving Love a Helping Hoof** Chapter 3 _My Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle,_ _I need you and your fellow Elements of Harmony to come to Canterlot as soon as possible. A situation has arisen that affects each of you more profoundly than I can...

Giving Love a Helping Hoof: Chapter 2

**Giving Love a Helping Hoof** Chapter 2 A harried white unicorn knocked a dainty hoof on the door to Ponyville's library, her saddlebags bulging. "Coming!" The door opened before her, bathing her in a warm glow. Her hostess stood before...

Giving Love a Helping Hoof

**Giving Love a Helping Hoof** Chapter 1 Silence reigned over the Everfree Forest. Ponyville's forbidding neighbour usually held a raucous evening court, the bass rumbles of the manticores punctuated by the high pitched squeaking of the local...

A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 7: A Light Spar

**Chapter 7: A Light Spar** Upon hearing Kakashi's words, something curious happened to Kroqgar. His shoulders tensed slightly, betraying his nerves, and for the first time since he had arrived in this reality, the slightest trickle of combat-fuelled...

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love: Chapter 6: A Meeting, A Greeting and an Upcoming Beating

**Chapter 6: A Meeting, A Greeting, and an Upcoming Beating** Kroqgar and Whisper blinked in the brightness of the morning sun streaming into the Hokage's office. They saw Tsunade sitting there, hands laced under her chin, with a slightly...

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A New Year, A New Life, A New Love Chapter 9: Round 2, Weaponry 101

**Chapter 9:** **Round 2, Weaponry 101** In the pitch dark of the room, Whisper's barely seen form was sprawled atop Kroqgar, his hands resting on her shapely rear. As they kissed each other, Whisper slowly worked her hands down Kroqgar's...

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A Spyro the Dragon Musical Quickie

As you may know, the Naruto series I have been writing has yet to bear any sexual fruits. I ask that those who have read it be patient, it will be so much better because of the wait. (And I ask those that haven't to go bloody read it!) Anyhow, after...

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