The Merrin, part 6

Alice sits in the pod, watching a readout of Key's vitals. Even though he's sleeping, his heart rate is still near 90 and his blood pressure it too high. "We need to get him to relax," she states absently. "Administer a light sedative, an...

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The Merrin, Part 14

Having been up all night answering questions, Avy sleeps on some chair cushions in the corner. Key sits, slowly re-spooling the wire. As he does, he gently pinches it, letting Drudge repair it as it passes between his fingers. Not having proper tools,...

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The Merrin, part 10

The one pod turned out to be the two that Alice had set to follow theirs. While one actually managed to soft-land, the other crashed and the side is ripped wide open, and equipment is scattered around. When Key gets into the good pod, it's alarm is...

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The Merrin, part 9

Having left the riverbed behind hours ago, Key stops for a moment in a clearing to rest. He has yet to actually see any of the native creatures. He's heard them skitter at his approach, and Drudge has registered over 600 unique calls. Calls that, as of...

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The Merrin, part 15

Key watches the sun go down and the surface of the caesium lake change. It looses it's shiny silver-gold appearance and turns a dull red. Curious, he steps up to the shore and kneels down. As he puts his hand over the caesium, he realizes that it's...

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The Merrin, part 11

Having spent much of the early morning having no luck scanning for, or trying to contact other pods, Key activates the pod's homing beacon and grabs his pack. The storm last night was all lightning, thunder, and high winds. There was no...

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The Merrin, part 19

With the storm finally passed, it's night. Key works on the com from the outside. So far, he's had to replace the antenna, and several of the connectors due to massive amounts of caesium scorching. Drudge has figured out that the storms coincide with...

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The Merrin, part 18

Another storm rages outside. Avy stands in the first pod, intently watching the chaos through the windows. Key sits in the other pod, trying to clean out the long range com. Making very little progress, Key flops into a chair and turns to watch the...

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The Merrin, part 21

Sliding around on his back under the shelter, Key slowly welds all the floor panels to their frames. This process is made more difficult by the number of eggs and small creatures attached to the underside of the shelter. Rather than weld the entire...

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The Merrin, Part 20

All the loose items are packed into three packs. Most of the sections for the shelter lean against a pod. There's a few parts still standing and Key's working to rearrange those into a short hall that connecting the pods' doors together. With their...

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The Merrin, part 5

The results of the simulations are less than encouraging. While the maneuvering thrusters still work, the hull won't be able to tolerate much torque, so stopping the pitchpole has been time consuming. Doing it so the hull doesn't tear apart has been...

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The Merrin, part 4

Frustrated, Key slams his hand on the console. He's managed to restore this room's seal, so there's air. Unfortunately, while he was crossing the breach, main power went out. He's tried everything he knows, he just cannot direct main power back to...

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