Beneath the Mistlebells 6

_Ruth_ "You don't have to go, Ruth," Redge said. "You can stay here with Owl, Ruth, Me. We'll keep safe, Ruth." Ruth shook her head sadly. "It needs to be done." "Why?" said Redge. "Because there's an evil out there, and we won't be safe until it's...


Beneath the Mistlebells 5

_It started as a dream. A slow, numbing sensation that crept through her mind, like the whispering, fleeting sensation of an idea which hung on the edge of consciousness. It was the tip of her tongue and the edge of her eye. In time, it grew to...


Beneath the Mistlebells 4

_She had left her coat on the hook by the door, and as the evening wound on her shirt and trousers found new homes on the armrests of a chair and the landing floor. Her heart was outside, beating as it hung from the gate, swinging in the wind. Snow...


Beneath the Mistlebells 3

_Every night he would slip slowly into bed, waiting for the welcome oblivion of sleep, and every night without fail he would sense with intense certainty the impossible truth._ _He lay with his back exposed, and as he relaxed, they emerged from...


Beneath the Mistlebells 2

_The wolf stalked her dreams, and found her in her mountains, in her valleys and her spaces. He hounded her from dusk until dawn, always looming from a distance._ "_Will you ever leave me alone?" she asked, hiding her head in her hands._ _He shook...


Beneath the Mistlebells 1

_The stars said to the sky, "I think I love you."_ _The sky said to the stars, "I hope you're wrong." There was no way the stars could see how empty the sky was, or be aware of the dark that filled every part of space between those dim pinpricks of...


Gape Inc

"Why is it," Serule, the blue-feathered toucan, said to himself, "that whenever you find something you really want, you just happen to be broke." He was standing outside of the tropically themed storefront of Zap's Apps, staring at a poster for...

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Long Hard Day

The door slammed shut behind the Toucan, followed by the flop of his shirt against the wood-plank floor. "If I have to spend one more minute in another pointless meeting," he thought to himself, as he kicked off his shoes, thankful to finally be rid of...

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It happened just east of the M25, I'd come off near Stifford, and it was late and I was hungry. I was just going to get some takeout, sit in my car and listen to the radio. That was all I wanted as I walked through the doors of the Maccies. It...


The Story of a Lonely Demon Ch. 1

"wh-what in the name of syndel was that!? did... did you just kiss me? ew-" the warden asked, spitting out whatever saliva was in his mouth, shaking his head as if he ate something nasty.

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