Chapter 56: Your Mother's Tits

Your Mother's Tits Chapter 56 The beast was horrible and like nothing Yeneneshe had ever seen in her life. It was completely black and looked like a dog, only it was very tall - at least nine feet - and had a double-headed penis that squirted twin...

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Chapter 55: One Dramatic Exit Too Many

One Dramatic Exit Too Many Chapter 55 Yeneneshe knew Zeinara and Kayya were having sex. She lay in bed with Ettoras, who was holding her as he slept, and she could hear the females across the hall, panting and moaning, lips smacking as they sucked...

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Chapter 54: Kiss

Kiss Chapter 54 By the time they reached the Summer Valley, they were all too bitter, too angry, and too sad to really appreciate its beauty. The valley was a piece of the ancient fox empire, preserved from war and time, sitting cloaked away in its...

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Chapter 53: Unforgiving

Unforgiving Chapter 53 Zeinara's dreams were making her feverish and aroused. She knew she was dreaming, but she couldn't break free of it. She was breathless, she felt helpless, she felt blind. A red mist rolled around her, everything was blurry and...

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Chapter 52: Wanting Normal

Wanting Normal Chapter 52 As much as Pili hated Nkwe, she trusted him more than she trusted Azrian, and that amused Nkwe more than he cared to admit. Azrian offered to heal Pili, and she turned the vixen down, saying that she did not trust a fox she...

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Chapter 51: Ballo

Ballo Chapter 51 The entrance to the SummerValley was beneath a giant tree, which spread its spidery branches wide across the gray, cloudless sky. The tree was white and its great roots coiled in a twisting mass, framing a dark passage that had no...

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Chapter 50: Pitied and Purified

Pitied and Purified Chapter 50 Azrian didn't know how, but she was able to convince Nkwe to leave Clan Poallu with her. He didn't seem eager to travel with her, of course, and looked at her for several seconds as if she were not only insane but also...

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Chapter 49: The Sun of His Heart

The Sun of His Heart Chapter 49 Leyta had murdered Atieno, slit his throat as he was sleeping with her skinning knife, so Azrian wasn't the least bit surprised that her brother's spirit had found some way to get revenge. Azrian wanted to take back...

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Chapter 48: Clan Poallu

Clan Poallu Chapter 48 Prince Tatuk was an enormous sleigh dog with an enormous dick who banged Azrian every night relentlessly and mercilessly. And . . . it was _amazing_. Azrian hated herself for enjoying it, but it was the first time she'd had sex...

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Chapter 47: Love Slap

Love Slap Chapter 47 When Robin awoke, she was back at the shrine in the grassy field and night had fallen. Mogethis had built a fire on the stone dais and was cooking over it when Robin slowly sat up. Robin was surprised to find a young female fox...

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Chapter 46: Princess Sophie's Lovers

Princess Sophie's Lovers Chapter 46 Princess Sophie sat on the edge of the desk, completely naked, her legs in the air, her breasts flapping, as Prince Graham held her ankles aloft and pounded her to a wet climax. Hew was incredibly large - in fact,...

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Chapter 45: Silk

Silk Chapter 45 There was nothing Adrian enjoyed more than watching two females make love. Females were always very . . . _sensual_ about it. Of course, there were those females who humped and banged and breasts would flap, and because Adrian wasn't...

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