Midline Shift 16 - The Meeting

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me after retrieving the probe data fully to give back to jormangund's ceo, the team received a good payment with some extra for their troubles as areh began scouting for some extra parts.

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Midline Shift 9 - Down And Out In Illium

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me back on the centurion eagle, james found himself lying on his bed while healing up his wounded foot.

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Midline Shift 8 - Trouble on Tarith

mass effect copytighted to bioware, finalgamer to me a week had passed since the makhaira incident, as james kept to his duties on the centurion eagle as resident bartender serving drinks to the crew.

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Midline Shift 6 - All Tooled Up

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me with the quarian insurgents subdued after their leader had been taken hostage in turn, lirem and norem sent out a signal towards the migrant fleet by way of areh'narohl.

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Midline Shift 3 - Combat Time

In the case of our pistols, the mass effect field fires out a piece of metal at a supersonic velocity!"

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Midline Shift 22 - The Rise And Fall of Fin Torvan

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me fin torvan finally had it all. since his younger days back on the homeworld of irune, he had always wanted to get rich quick and preferably not die trying.

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Midline Shift 46 - The Missing Number

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me the interior of the facinus research base was cold and uninviting.

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Midline Shift 45 - His Final Charge

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me "see anything yet?" asked a grey-armoured turian. "nah," said his equally-grey compatriot, "nothing.

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Midline Shift 42 - A Quarian Princess

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me "you okay?" said fg. "y-yeah," said leiah strained, "i-i'm fine."

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Midline Shift 40 - Diving Deeper Towards The Truth

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me the deep undersea of oma ker was peaceful as it could be.

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Midline Shift 36 - Songs and Visions

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me "so, you're finally awake." the first voice that came to him was one oddly familiar.

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Midline Shift 10 - Creative Differences

mass effect copyrighted to bioware, finalgamer to me a few days after their docking on illium's main city, the sole calibrators were busy in the cockpit/meeting room where they debated plans for their concert.

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