Alias' Adventure - Chapter 10

# Chapter 10 - Hello Darkness My Old Friend. Slowly but surely they're starting to wake up! "Is it okay to get close to them Mortimer?" I ask the mage. "Yes young chap, things should be alright for you now." I grin and start to head towards...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 9

# Chapter 9 - The Race Of Time And The Heart. I cart Soothing back to the infirmary. He's out of it again. I leave him in the bay and stick my head in the lab again. "Rain?" "Mhmmrph?" is the noise that returns to me as Rain's head pokes over a...


Alias' Adventure - Chapter 8

# Chapter 8 - Born Again Or Back To The Front? As we step through the gate, we're back where we left from, I think. I mean, it looks exactly the same and that's where I wanted to go back to. Maybe I'm just getting pessimistic. "Hello?" I call...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 7

# Chapter 7 - Hell Fire. I opened my eyes, the gates of hell were in front of me. They had to be the gates of hell, they looked.... Well, hellish. It was literally two huge gates made of twisting plaits of blackened metal and sitting between them, a...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 6

# Chapter 6 - Out Of The Fire And Into The Frying Pan? Rain is just waking up when I return. With a smile I hand him the food and drink. The kid smiles shyly back at me, it's pretty obvious he's not used to smiling like that. Soothing shuts the door...


Alias' Adventure - Chapter 5

# Chapter 5 - Walk Through The Fire I woke up again a few hours later I think. I can't really tell time at the moment. I can hear someone else asleep nearby. Luckily the cell myself and Rain are in has 2 beds. He's sound asleep in the other bed. I rub...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 4

# Chapter 4 - Do Or Die Again? Can't I get a fucking break here?! I suppose I ought to be grateful I'm still existing but for fuck sake now what is trying to piss up the wall?! I frown and look at the door, Rain lets go of my hand and retreats to...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 3

# # Chapter 3 - Final Shot At Redemption I let go of the soul held inside me, feeling it slip from me and back into the body. The Black Spiral giving up his werewolf form to assume his human form, a young adult, about 16/17 at a guess. He's got...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 2

# Chapter 2 - The Story Before The World "Wha?" "You were shaking, I wondered if you were cold?" If I had the blood to spare right now, I'd be blushing. He was gorgeous! He must be about 6ft 6", he was so tall, and his hair hung down the sides of...

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 1

# Chapter 1 - A Whole New World I sighed again..... I've been here a week. The garou pack still seem to be at odds with what to do with me. There's nothing much I can do from inside my dark cell, nothing that wouldn't get me killed pretty much...

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Chapter 33 – Dr Jekyll then run and hide.

# Chapter 33 - Dr Jekyll then run and hide. I smash open the door at the end of the corridor and I'm into another room. There's another one of those giant metal tubes with shattered glass pouring out its liquid on to the floor. Rin and Rain are...

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Chapter 32 - Sink your teeth into it

# Chapter 32 - Sink your teeth into it "Fucking hell Charlotte. Don't tell me we're in your territory." says Lawrence. "Not quite nuwisha. Were you following us?" says the female who I'm assuming is Charlotte. "No, we came to look into a theft...

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