Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.10 - Lost and Found Pt.2 The Depths of Madness

Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **CH.** **10 LOST AND FOUND PT.2 THE DEPTHS OF MADNESS** **VANA'DIEL,...

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Final Fantasy X-treme - Special - Halloween Mascarade

Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **HALLOWEEN** **MASCARADE** **GHOST HOTEL, GOLDEN SAUCER,...

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.9 - Lost And Found Pt.1 A Trap is Set

Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **CH.9 LOST AND FOUND. Pt.1 A TRAP IS SET** **BALAMB**** GARDEN ****,...

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Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.8 - Lifes Leasons In Midgar, Or the Ties That Bind

Disclaimer: 1 All Final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of Square Enix and do not belong to me. Every thing else is me and my friends. **CH.8 LIFE'S LEASONS IN MIDGAR OR THE TIES THAT BIND** If there was one...

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Ch 4 - Crystal Plight

**Ch. 4 - Crystal Plight** Quite some time ago... "Cadence, this is Sentry Wolf and his brother Night Vigil. They are your new protectors." Her Mamma had told her. The older boy looked to be about her big sisters age, but she knew that was not...


A Tale of Ponies and Wolves Ch.2

**Ch.2 Leader of the Pack** Sentry follows the silent wolf mage in to an empty reception hall. Once inside Spirit shuts and locks the door, and turns on a single dim light. "Sit Chief, we have heavy matters to discuss." Sentry takes the offered...


A Tale of Ponies and Wolves Ch.1

MLP and all recognizable characters belong to Hasbro **Ch. 1 Leadership Problems** He stood vigilant out side of his Queen's chamber doors. He knew what was going on in there, her moans and the pigs grunts could be heard three large rooms away and...


A Tale of Ponies and Wolves

My Little Pony and all recognizable Ponies and entities are the properties of Hasbro, I do not own them. All other recognizable characters are copy righted to their respective owners. **A Tale of Ponies and Wolves** **A Prologue** You are guided...
