Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 6: Corruption

Chapter 6 - A Return Home 28th day of Xenar 128th I.E. From a distance, Wersgrauff looked like any other trade port in the empire. Were it not for the absence of the Providence and the Archmage's Tower on the skyline, the city would have...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 5: Formation of the Legion

Chapter 5 - Formation of the Legion 24th Day of Xenar 128 I.E. Xellik stood at the front of a long procession atop the steps to the Temple of War. Soldiers were in their full livery and stood with halberds or banners in hand. They watched as...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 4: Order of Peacekeepers

Chapter 4 - The Order of Peacekeepers 22nd Day of Xenar 128 I.E. The ursar could feel the light sting of pebbles on his backside as he sat cross-legged on the hard-packed dirt. The scent of freshly baked breads wafted out from inside the...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 3: An Orc's Ambition

Chapter 3 - Xellik's Ambition 18th day of Xenar 128th I.E. Far across the sea, far from the Rogarian Empire, lay a jungle-covered continent called Rhavik. On the western coast of this land was a raised plateau, where a kingdom of orcs...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 2: Aboard the Tiderunner

Chapter 2 - Aboard the Tide Runner 22nd Day of Xenar 128 I.E. Dane woke as his stomach churned and his hammock swayed along with the rough waves of the Azure Sea. He surged up from below deck, not caring about the amount of noise he made as...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 1: Northward Bound

21st day of Xenar 128 I.E. High above the city of Rogust sat the Providence, the Golden Palace. It sat on top of, and within, the over-hang of a cliff as it looked down into a shallow vale in which the city proper was located. Between the city and...

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 3: The Fragment

Chapter 3 - The Fragment When the door slammed shut, Dougal's excitement fizzled away and his hands paused on the box he held. He swallowed the lump in his throat and gathered his composition before turning to look behind him. "Hi there," Dougal said...

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 2: Caught

Chapter 2 - Caught The pair of thieves moved with startling silence through the mansion. Beyond the entryway lay a hall that stretched out perpendicular to the entrance. Dougal had been in plenty of elven homes that were similar to this one. One...

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 1: Intrusion

Chapter 1 - Intrusion Dougal ran his hand over the smooth wooden surface of the door, feeling the texture beneath his calloused fingers. It was cool to the touch, suggesting that the hearth inside wasn't lit on that still, summer evening. The rain...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 28: Siege of Darkness

_1st__Day of Sytarel_ _128 I.E._ Dane stood in an endless black space. The air was dead. No sound existed here. There wasn't even any mana for him to work with. He had no idea how he ended up there. He looked around and heard footsteps. He turned...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 29: Victorious

_1st__Day of Sytarel_ _128 I.E._ All around Dane, the 81stand the rest of the Peacekeepers began to rally behind their leaders, their morale restored by seeing their superiors pushing the enemy back. "Pitch, hold the left flank with Vedray," Dane...

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Legion of Sytarel - Epilogue

_13th__Day of Sytarel_ _128 I.E._ The weeks following the battle outside Sanctuary were busy for the Freedom Coalition forces. Laborers from Rogust, Valar, and Kitair had made it into the city to help with the clean up operations. The Coalition was...

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