PMD - EOM - Chapter 30

Chp 30 "I'm surprised you haven't tried anything." Ashley said that morning. Phantom and Mystic had left to get some groceries, leaving them with little else to do. "Hmm?" Carver asked. "Well, I've been teasing the shit out of...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 29

Chp 29 "Our badges won't work. We're too far away, so we'll have take the boat back." Hunter explained. This was the most the scizor had said since dinner started. Now it was almost over, only a couple of desserts still on plates. ...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 28

Chp 28 A hollow sounded roar echoed through the metal chamber, bouncing around the room. It was loud enough to force all three pokemon in the room to cover their ears. A red spike appeared in thin air, and then it pulled down, leaving a trail...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 22

Chp 22 One week passed without major incident. They did end up doing a couple jobs, but they were quick and easy boring ones. Go collect berries, rescue a lost pokemon, collecting a bounty on a rouge poochyena... But one morning, when they...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 21

Chp 21 "So where is it?" Ashley asked as they stood in the map room the next morning. "Right about..." Mystic looked along the floor, spotting the pink forest, and going a bit north of it to a large clearing with a few brown spots....

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 20

Chp 20 They all awoke later, except for Zys, who seemingly did not sleep. He did close his eyes and become motionless, but he was always conscious, looking at every little sound he heard. "So you took care of it?" Ashley asked during...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 19

Chp 19 As the sun rose the next morning, so did Phantom. He looked over to the other side of the room where Ashley and Mystic were curled around each other. A faint bit of steam was rising up from where they touched, but it was incredibly faint....

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 18

Chp 18 Part 1 "Alright then, let's stock up. We'll need berries, something for burns, some food, useful orbs..." Phantom continued listing off the things they needed. "We should get some move boosters. Dragons are strong." Ashley...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 17

Chp 17 "Thanks for going along with me." Mystic said when they both awoke. "It was nice..." He said shyly. "Need another round to cement it?" "Maybe later." He said, not intending for it to sound an offer. ...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 15

Chp 15 "Get up! I wish I had some coffee. But that's no excuse, get a move on, we gotta go!" Ashley spouted out, pacing back and forth at the slope out of the cave. Phantom was slowly getting up, gingerly pressing his right...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 14

Chp 14 "Phantom, you alive?" A voice asked. He felt a paw pushing against his shoulder. He uncurled, noticing the soreness in his back, and looked up to see a white vulpix. "Ashley? How did you get in here?" "Alakazam let me in....

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 13

Chp 13 "Look at this. Alakazam had it mixed up, it was thirty disappearances in twenty years." Phantom joined her next to the documents she was reading. "Wait... look." He pointed at the main list of names and case numbers. "There's a...

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