School of Mystic Arts pt 3

I begin to follow the map as best as I can. "This is stupid they don't even teach map reading in school anymore!" I whimper to myself in a bit of frustration. "New here too huh?" I hear a feminine voice next to me making me yelp quietly. "Yeah, and im...

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School of Mystic Arts pt 2

"Ugh my head..." I whimper and sit up. "Hey you, finally awake yeah? Im so glad im not a werewolf, seriously the 'hangovers' you get seem to suck so bad." A girl giggles as she looks down at me. "W-what?" I rub my head and wince a bit as I feel...

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School of Mystic Arts

I stretch and yawn as my alarm clock goes off, I lazily pat my night stand for a few minutes before finally pushing the off button. I sigh in relief and scratch my ear as I sit up. "Gah that was a strange dream..." I say sliding out of bed and...


Father son bonding (Request story for IIDJRXD)

I stretch and yawn my tail swaying behind me in boredom as I stare at the teacher. My tail moving the edge of my skirt back and forth to show off my rump, even though I'm sitting down. "Now, our next topic of our class is shrinking tech and magic."...

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