Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 16
#16 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion tristan's training with alex is interrupted by a visit
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 15
#15 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion escaping with his medic isn't as simply as alex would
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 14
#14 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion retrieving thier medic, victor can't stop from seeing
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 13
#13 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion arriving to where mary is being held, alex has to deal
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 12
#12 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion write brief description of chapter here if you want
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 11
#11 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion victor takes the time to enjoy mobius before getting
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 10
#10 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion tristan wakes up, multiple times, and tries to piece
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 09
#9 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion alex has a first meeting with his team, voice only, where
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 08
#8 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion finding his medic isn't a simple as alex hoped, and the
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 07
#7 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion williams is summoned to the captain's ready room for an
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 06
#6 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion attempting to get in contact with the captain of the golly
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 05
#5 of fractured family draft 1 of book 5 in the tristan series, where alex must deal with tristan being taken from him and how far he will go to get him back, and tristan has a painful family reunion introducing william, locksmith extraordinaire.