Chapter 23 Beautiful Monsters

Your presence should make the kingsleys quite popular again." he laughed. "i'm sorry." corene smiled, relishing in the soft touch of his fingers on her cheek. "it's alright. if it would benefit you, i'd gladly make an appearance."

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Chapter 27 No He's Not

"as if the kingsleys hadn't paid enough for it in the past." he glanced bitterly at charles. something angry passed between the dukes, and jonathan watched them in amazement. charles and richard fought, but it was rare that they fought in front of him.

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Chapter 26: Killing the Messenger

"whining, weakling kingsleys," selmer went on, a fierce light glittering in his angry eyes.

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Chapter 2 Don't Go

Etienne slowly opened the file and read: _princess consort evelyn lorraine kingsley, former duchess of howlester, crowned favorite and beloved of king bastian emerald. date of passing: the fall of 1578, a.a. manner of death: strawberry tarts.

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Chapter 40: Headshot

And how _excruciating_ it was, sitting in the room with her dress haphazardly laced, being fussed over by axel and corene as etienne and the kingsleys bickered, shouted, and argued. "n-no! please!"

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 2: Hyperdrive

"kingsley's opened up his own store, laura got married a couple of weeks ago, and mara moved away from arcticus on the reason of 'adventure'." "that so, huh? didn't think her of everyone would be the adventurous one!"

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Chapter 38 The Howling

"the former duchess evelyn lorraine kingsley, i presume?" he said. "y-yes," sniffled evelyn, tears still trailing down her face. the mastiff nodded and startled them both when he removed his hat and bowed deeply.

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Chapter 27 Fear

We both know that for years it was spoken in hushed whispers, in courts spanning from kingdom to kingdom that king bastian of varimore was madly in love with the duchess evelyn lorraine kingsley and that if only she could escape her overbearing father, the

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History Lesson (Back to School)

"rysk, meet the walking encyclopedia, theodore allen kingsley, just call him tak." "information dealer, you overgrown lizard." tak corrected. "it's nice to meet your acquaintance, ms. kiersennik.

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Zootopia by night chap 2...

He mostly spends his time in his restaurant 'kingsleys wooloomooloo', its supposed to be the best sea food place in all of the marshlands.

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Chapter 21 A Cock in King Bastian's Court

"the duchess evelyn lorraine kingsley, come to my court at last?" aina stiffened as the figure removed their hood, and evelyn's white curls blazed in the light. evelyn smiled at the king. "at last."

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