Polytechnica Zephilyber: Part 1

Polybius: W - who am I? What have I become?! I lost everything due to this monster I hold inside of me...it hurts...No one in this world can help me. No one even dares approach me! \*Gasp!\* (insane evil laughter) Can't...control...him... Zephilyber...


The Memory - Chapter One

The Memory Chapter One Darkness, that's all that surrounded the entire area. He looked up from the old palette on the floor -- He was startled to see someone standing there. He couldn't make out their face, some sort of fox, but he couldn't tell for...


Eyes on the Mountains: Chapter 1

#1 of eyes on the mountain chapter one of my mystery story. the smell of pine blanketed the clearing. the cool air was quite as the early morning sun began to rise in the sky.


For Better or for Worse - Chaps. 1-2

Chap. 1 "Why am I still here?"I though aloud. My name is Lucas Palidas, and I am nineteen, majoring in Physics at Novas University, and sitting on a park bench waiting for someone who I had begun thinking wasn't real. I pulled the note I had...



I think i made good use of it, keeping it all mysterious. eventually though it was getting too confusing, so i decided to instead break some of the mystery. i hope you enjoyed reading !


The Unsolved Mystery (Coming Soon)

This story will follow the aftermath of the Trials. James ponders what had just happened to him and did he just see his parents? He gets curious and heads to the police station to find out the report of his parents. He finds out that his parents and...

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Inheritence -Chapter 2-

Chapter 2 It's easy to forget the stars. The ceiling of my fathers study had been a painted mural of mythical beings, surrounded by the warm glow of constellations. I was told my Grandfather had painted the stars himself by my boastful...

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Recover of being 707 chapter two part two

Cameron Hilla is the youngist of them. His father was professor in a Museum in the 80s and 90s and today. He alway love history and culture as a child and one day. See them!!!! he 25 right now. Paula Windston is the only female in...

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Recover of Being 707 chapter one

Just a year after the Oil Crisis 1973 some Candian from Mountreal head to Africa for two mouth they wonder around Afica. "Let trun back, eh." Said one of the Oil srechers. After sleeping in a hotel in Cape Hope. They went off to srech some more. As...

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Tainted Flare: Chapter 1

It was two in the afternoon and I was sitting at my desk, looking through the blinds of my office window to the street below. So many people down there, going about their day, never knowing what truly goes on in this city. Yet, some do know what goes...

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Becoming: Part 6-Changes

Alex awoke with a shudder. He was in a cold sweat. He was out of breath, and hyperventilating. He needed to calm himself down. Closing his eyes, he let his mind go blank. He slowed his breath down to a regular rate and felt as his heart slowly stopped...

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Becoming :Part 5- A life Interrupted

Satisfied that he had solved his little mystery, alex turned back towards the sink and continued to brush his teeth. his window-side mirror had been nailed permanently into the wall a long time before his arrival at the browning house.

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