The End: Chapter 4

I did not know, however, that all this time we had been setting the stage for both our lives, and the lives of all of the wolves in our little corner of jasper to change forever.

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The End: Chapter 2

With kate, i was a wolf, not just some freak from another world. with kate, i was everything i had ever wanted to be. with kate, i was home and there was no greater feeling in the world.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Seven: Challenges

His fingers gripped the smaller wolf's chin like ice-covered stone. "we'll be moving on, shortly, anyway," he said. rith blinked. "but ... but i thought you said we were staying put." tephen looked away, a snarl forming in his throat.

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In the Negative: Chapter 11

The wolf nodded, gazing upon him with wistful, golden eyes. "um... thank you," humphrey began slowly in the black wolf's presence, "for saving my life." "don't thank me," he replied, "thank yourself."

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Upper Egypt - Chapter Two

Khenti quickly avoided the shove, patting his younger brother on the head with his own grin, "relax, aki, relax" the crossbred jackal-wolf only gave a deeper growl, before thundering off.

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Loss of a Loved One

It depicted a full moon, shadowed by a lupine form howling at the celestial body. in a complex writing was our family name: úlfur. raina's not known until now of our fascination of werewolves.

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Wolves Under Moon

Cats were meowing, wolves did woof. all the time have passed in toot. open eyes and look outside. feel the power of thee heart. shred no tear, cause i am here! skies foreseen thee & me. cry no more but look and smile!

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The Weight Chapter 2

**Chapter 2: Life as we Know It.** Humphrey did not realize that he had fallen asleep until he felt the lively rays of the coming sun beating against his eyelids. He groaned in annoyance and pinched his eyelids tighter together for a moment then...

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To Dress a Pig: Chapter 2: A Momentary Lapse of Reason

The brown wolf lifted his head and turned to him. "we investigate." * * * garth walked slowly into the den only to find her sleeping like a rock, but he was not entirely surprised.

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Birthday Gift for Wolfgram96

Pack enjoys the night now pleasure for all is done and gone even the adults lay down to sleep upon until the cycle begins anew where the pack does play where the pack does mate from days first light until the deepest darkness of night the wolves

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466 Snow and Wolves

Consult the readme at save point: snow and wolves by the time she's done, there are dead wolves piled up in heaps around her ankles, and it's started snowing.

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Lilly gets raped!

The wolf only thrusts harder. suprisingly, the pain slipped away. whatever this wolf did felt good. before the wolf got a knot in her the wolf slipped his penis out of her. he then forced lilly's mouth open and started f\*cking her in the mouth.

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