Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)

Suddenly everything went dark and Kreet thought she had died, but an instant later she heard shouting from the drow. Thinking quickly, she rolled away and scrambled to her feet, backing away to where she recalled the nearest wall was. Darkness. She...

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Betrayal (Kreet - 38)

To say Kreet was troubled as the small band continued towards the stairway would be an understatement. She considered telling Sigmundurr that they were walking into a trap, but that would certainly set him off into berserker mode. But to not warn...

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Short Engagement (Kreet - 42)

The two kobolds hastily dressed and stood up at Sigmundurr's call, the long grass effectively shielding them from view until they were ready. "Be right there, Sig!" Kreet answered, then turned back to Kallid. His eyes had turned nearly violet and the...

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Spellbound (Kreet - 40)

Eilistraee passed her hand over the two and both awoke instantly. "Goddammit Gator!" Sigmundurr started, then he saw Eilistraee and his eyes went wide. "Oh fuck." Kallid just stared at the goddess. "Sig, Kallid, this is Eilistraee. She is..." But...

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Threats (Kreet - 36)

They continued through the Underdark's labyrinthine network of tunnels, hallways and crevices, and Kreet marveled not only at their guides' apparently unerring path-finding, but also at the sheer size of the complex. Once she had thought the cave...

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Kobold of a Different Color - Kreet 75

As they left the archive, Kreet and Kallid heard the monks singing again in the cathedral upstairs. The evening service had begun. Miss Tribi had vowed she would continue to research the birthing of kobolds and let Kreet know if she found anything of...

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The Archivist - (Kreet 71)

Twenty minutes later Kreet's neck began to ache. She'd been staring up at the various things the Bishop pointed out. They were all impressive, but Kreet soon found there was only so much she could take. Fortunately, just as she began to think about...

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The Beastfolk - Final Version

The Beastfolk Anthropomorphic races for the d20 system's Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 By Gideon Kalve Jarvis Author's notes Dungeons & Dragons and related material is copyright Wizards of the Coast, Incorporated. This work is copyright Gideon...

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Welcome to Golden Sun

(If you are even at this website you should know the nature of the entries, there is little to find offensive or disagreeable in this entry) Golden sun Welcome to Golden Sun! A place of high adventure and savagery. Cunning Barbarians carve a...

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Devotion (Kreet - 37)

Sigmundurr grumbled, but did as she demanded. "Thank you Sigmundurr," Kreet said, lowering her hands. "Fucking bitch deserved..." Sigmundurr began, but Kreet interrupted him. Until this time, she had revealed little of her true powers to anyone...

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Departure (Kreet 35)

Technically they were still slaves of course. In the drow city they were in, all non-drow races were considered slaves. But fortunately the princess they had rescued had some standing with the powers there, and she sent along two drow guardians to...

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Sigmundurr (Kreet 34)

Sigmundurr knocked on her door a little later. Kreet opened the door to let the big man in. His blue eyes looked unexpectedly sober. "Gator," he began. "I've been thinking..." "Always a plus," she smiled and beckoned him to sit on the bed. "I've been...

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