Welcome to Golden Sun

Story by Pierce on SoFurry

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#1 of Golden Sun Campaign Setting

(If you are even at this website you should know the nature of the entries, there is little to find offensive or disagreeable in this entry)

Golden sun

Welcome to Golden Sun! A place of high adventure and savagery. Cunning Barbarians carve a swath of wealth from the soft underbelly of civilization, arrogant thieves creep within the shadows of dark temples, and scheming sorcerers weave their dark secrets with fanatical clerics who bring the word of the gods by sword and fire. Tyrants, Murderers and warlocks all conspire towards your demise, unearthly evil watches you like with a keen unblinking eye and before your path lays bandits, savage, solders, sorcerers and just about everyone stands before you with sword in hand and a thirst for blood...

But fear not! At your side stand noble warriors, clever thieves, holy zealots and breathtaking maidens. So if your are blessed by the gods, cunning and just a little lucky, you just may be a ruler of the world... Destiny waits with all that you desire in one hand and a dagger of doom in her other, all this waits within your grasp! The question is, Are you willing to take it?

The land of Golden Sun

From the icy eternal night of the dark wastes to the golden spires of Thran, to the perfumed jungles of Kled and the strange mysteries of Sei'Tan lays countless lands of epic landscapes and amazing dangers. Barbarians, Sorcerers and thieves are in great abundance. Gold, jewels and beautiful women are as well, as is bandits, solders and dragons all who want you on a spit.

Merchants and conquerors from the Central lands and Eastern Lands ply into the isolated corners of the world, Barbarians from the West and Wastes sweep from their homes to find wealth and glory and Thieves & sorcerers from the south, who explore dark dungeons and forgotten monsters sleep in ancient tombs and places of terror.

The People

The Peoples of Golden Sun are numerous and diverse; The Decadent Rashanians, The greedy Nmarians, the noble Gaile and the violent Norr. Waste Barbarians, Seran's Sorcerers and Kuth's thieves and the countless other adventurers who fight for their piece.

Playing Golden Sun

The first thing to remember about Golden sun is that while other settings hold some great prophecy or destiny, Golden sun is entirely without this theme. No quest of honor, no ancestral curse, no great destiny to fulfill, only what you are willing to take from life and tear from the hands of your enemies.


The second thing to remember is that Magic is extremely rare almost absent from the setting; it is not something to be added in at a whim to fill gaps in role-play. Magic in this campaign should be cataclysmic, a thing to be feared to have a sense of doom attached to it. Not a simple thing taught to children from books from fathers shelf, but a thing that is hidden in dark pits, forgotten tombs and ruins. Wizards/Sorcerers are not bumbling old men with hearts of gold but terrifying individuals whom kings fears, whom dark legends and tales speak of, who use horrific pacts to unknowable entities and make awful sacrifice to fuel their black art.

Faith is also a powerful force in the world, while there are false faiths and corrupt clergy; the powers of the gods have been proven time and time again. While the gods often watch a few take active interest in the world. There are countless local faiths of all types as well as strange cults and great religions.


The Third thing to remember while creating the atmosphere of Golden Sun is perhaps the most important; the world that is, is coming to a close. The Empire of Rashan has reached its peak and begins it slow decline into history. Kled had decayed for centuries and soon will dissolve into nothingness. The Ancient dynasties of the Curra and Uftna have stagnated and wait for the fires of time to consume them.

The Norr raiders strike deeper and deeper into the heart of the world bringing back riches and tales of wonder to their young warriors. The Jackal Tribes have been united under one banner. The long subjugated peoples of the southern continent have began to shake Kleds rusted chains from their shoulder and eat away at the dieing empire. And the countless raiders and marauders of the wastes will one day sweep away the old lands of the world in a blaze of war and destruction...

The peoples of the world fight against the fires of history in vain, while the hands of the new generation have raised their arms in praise of the dawn of the coming world.

Where do I start?

The start of a campaign is always daunting, I have include three introductory adventures which I will reveal near the end. I have also included adventure hooks and characters to help start the campaign.

I wish you the best while you look through this setting and hope that you have fun along the way


(Input and comments would be greatly appreciated as well as advice and constructive criticism. You may use the characters and settings presented here freely with references to me as the creator, Enjoy Pierce)

The Spider and the shadow

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Thieves in the Night

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