Jeremy 072; Games Must Have Rules

Please allow me a soapbox moment here before getting back to the story; A surprising and not so interesting thing happened on the way to this point in the story. Seems we lost half the readership about two weeks ago. It was a sudden very...


Jeremy 082; Blowback

Sorry last week's chapter is a wee bit late, my right paw has been out of commission since Tuesday. Its slowly getting better but still can't use it too much yet. Going to get back on schedule by the end of next week. Dominic left the storage...


Jeremy 080; Rotating Fan Blades Attract The Worst In Airborne Particles

Lets have a bit more fun. Time for another road trip. Jeremy stopped at the exit to the garage. It felt good to have his bike under him again. Smiling he turned to the west again and headed for the bridge. Traffic was light this early in the...


Jeremy 090; The Issue With Madagascar

Jeremy had hardly eaten any of the food on his plate. He'd had just enough to subdue the growling of his stomach, so far. He was more focused on the discussion going around the room. He had noticed the lemur dominants were doing much the same. None...


Jeremy 089; At The Bottom Of A Dark

Jeremy had no idea how long he stared. His lemur escort stood still and silent. Even their tails were still and hung low, just observing. They were letting him take in the scene. It seemed very understanding of them. The cavern they stood inside...


Jeremy 093; Its Not The Slope Its The Lack Of Friction

Since Jeremy had been in the lead carrier he had climbed out and had cautiously intercepted Mitchell before he entered the trailer office. The otter still looked as upset as he had become at the revelation bellow. "Mister Boagard, this may not be...


Jeremy 096; Ripple Effects

There was no hint of another victim of Dominic in the news the next day. If the police had rescued him they didn't make it public. Once again in his own body Jeremy had gone back to the park and tracked down the tiger. After casually...


Jeremy 085; The Bureau Of Sabotage

Its been a while since I explained about that name I feel its time to go over it again. The Bureau of Sabotage is an idea from one of my favorite authors. So yes, I stole it, shamelessly. Even so I gave the original author full credit for the idea...


Jeremy 092; The Thing In Kealuroondea

His lemur driver had left the glass partition down the entire trip. As an added bonus she had even chatted with him for almost the entire half hour drive to the airport. She had even reacted favorably when he'd shifted seats and sat right behind...


Jeremy 091; Its A Lemur Thing

It took hours to hammer out the basics of the initial agreements. As soon as Jeremy was delivered back to the hotel he headed straight for the bedroom and crawled onto the bed. The use of his dominant ability had been brief but with everything else...


Jeremy 009; Out Of The Shadows

Oh, did you lot like that one last week? Well, this week's isn't as intense, I'm going to tone it down a bit. Don't want you lot getting overstimulated on me. Hopefully this will be just as enjoyable. The week after Jeremy's first time riding...


Jeremy 007; No One Sees Karma Coming

Back again? Well, take a seat, we've got a funny this week. No not that kind of fun, at least not yet so cool your jets there turbo. Anyway, for those of you hear for the actual story, thanks for coming. This week begins a bit of a turning point...
