Day of the Sex Zombies part 3 FINAL

The doctors Jenner pored over their information frantically, after loosing B-9 they lost their eyes to the outside world. "What the hell was that thing!? And where the hell is it going!?" They stopped suddenly hearing a series of thumps outside their...

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Gypsy Curse: plus! part 2

Episode 2 Ricky sat in the small room before the principles office, everyone feared him, the big bull dog. Ricky was only imagining what would happen to him, once his parents found out. His train of thought was interrupted by the tapping of the...

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Gypsy Curse Pluse! part 1

Ricky walked down the street with a small piece of paper in his hand, the rabbit looked up at the different store signs for the one he was looking for. He stopped in front of the store he was looking for before almost being knocked down by the door...

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Xenos part 3

A family of raccoons drove down the dimly sun set lit road, the mother and father chatted with each other as the daughter listened to music in the back seat. "I'm telling you i hate going to the Davidsons, they are so damn preachy it bugs the crap out...

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Xenos part 2

The camp grounds that were attacked were now covered in police and other first response vehicles, and red a blue lights reflected off of everything. A small crowed of uniformed people wandered the destroyed camp grounds. Sasha stood in the middle of it...

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Xenos P1

In the deapths of space, the stars shined lonely against the back drop of the inky black abyss. Light glimmered from the star known as the sun across a drifting piece of debris that quickly shot passed the moon, and lightly curved its way toward the...

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The sun shined brightly over a city that laid fixated on a great river, the city was old, one of the oldest in the country in fact, the city of Arkham. Few building are new here, built closely together as was the custom, it's streets originally built...

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A Digimon Commission

Takato's eyes were squeezed tightly in a deep and feverish dream as he rocked his head back and forth on his pillow. Images flashed in his mind's eye, sounds filled his head, welcoming and pleasurable sounds. Floramon moaned with pleasure bouncing up...

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Xenos part 3 FIN

Dawn once again rose over the battle scared town called Dunsville as the metal door to the boiler room opened the small group of survivors stepped out in the growing sun light fearing the worst. Nothing came though, no aliens, no gun fire, no screams....

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Queen of the Sex Zombies *Fin*

Angelica chanted in a strange and unknown language as she held a knife in her hands, the naked girl on the alter chanted with her, not scared but devoted. Around the alter were carved circles where masked couples moaned and bounced fucking each other....

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Queen of the Sex Zombies part 6

Sister Marie looked around the room they were taken to by the cultists. Phara and her were tide to the ceiling with their arms over their heads, their wrists bound by clamps some six inches apart from each other. There were standing in the middle of a...

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Queen of the Sex Zombies part 5

Cynthia placed her hands on Tony's shoulders as she spoke. "Look man, your going to have to take care of the crew while I'm gone, i promise you i will return and we are going to have so much fun." The zombie spoke with the others. "Come on Cynthia."...

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