Chapter 21: Kissy Faces

Kissy Faces Chapter 21 Zeinara saw stars when the red vixen indignantly slapped her. As her cheek burned from the blow, she could hear the red vixen scrambling to her feet and demanding that Yeneneshe keep her distance. Yeneneshe dryly responded that...

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Chapter 20: Soft

Soft Chapter 20 Zeinara was locked in bizarre dreams, shaking and unable to escape. She stood on the edge of an elaborately decorated room, as a young male knelt on paws and knees in the center of a wide canopied bed, taking it in the mouth and under...

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Chapter 19: So Speaketh Death

So Speaketh Death Chapter 19 Asres didn't know what to do, and he wasn't used to not knowing what to do. Even when he was a boy living with his tribe, Taiga and even his parents had often looked to him for wisdom and guidance. He was their connection...

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Chapter 18: Pump

Pump Chapter 18 The next day, Captain Franklin decided they should start circling back toward Howlester Duchy. They were running low on supplies, and he didn't like the idea of straying too far near Crinnington's borders. On the other side of the...

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Chapter 17: Yellow Flower

Yellow Flower Chapter 17 Nkwe thought Captain Franklin was too young to be a captain. While it was possible that the mastiff just looked younger than he actually was, Nkwe doubted it. He was very shy and uncertain and seemed very inexperienced for a...

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Chapter 16: Ethelyn's Vision

Ethelyn's Vision Chapter 16 Etienne took a sip of tea and set the cup almost absently on the saucer. A terrible ache in his chest had been bothering him all afternoon, to the point that he found it difficult to listen to what King Damon was saying....

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Chapter 15: The War on Heaven

The War on Heaven Chapter 15 Ettoras didn't like Palesa much. She was bossy and stubborn and her powers were terrifying. But truth be told, she wasn't _really_ bossy at all. Ettoras resented her because she had taken the Skkye Glass from him the...

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Chapter 14: The Son of Mercy

The Son of Mercy Chapter 14 Atieno held the ball of light aloft in his paw as he drew near to the altar beneath Ti'uu's shrine. His steps echoed in the stillness, and peering down the dark corridor, he could see the gold bowl of water on the altar,...

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Chapter 13: Long Lost

Long Lost Chapter 13 Zeinara wasn't certain how she was supposed to wear the pelt. The fox hadn't told her anything before he simply vanished, and she still felt unnerved by his ability to do such a thing. As she fumbled with the pelt, she wondered...

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Chapter 12: Under Her Skin

Under Her Skin Chapter 12 "You will never cross the bridge of light, girl," said the handsome fox. "Not in that skin." He laughed and continued pealing his fruit with a small knife. Zeinara glared at him. She was tired. She was hungry. And she was...

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Chapter 11: Speechless

Speechless Chapter 11 The house Kayya lived in with her parents, brother, and sister was as beautiful and yet humble as any house in S'pru. It was made of the white sand that fell like diamonds on S'pru's shores, its bricks packed together tight with...

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Chapter 10: Little Schemes

Little Schemes Chapter 10 Mogethis hated parties. So many little thoughts, worries, and whispers coming together were like the soft roar of an ocean storm. It hadn't bothered her when her clan would gather to worship Yfel. The dancing and kissing and...

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