Zion - light of the new moon
chapter 4.2
sibling revelry
_due to a tied vote between contributing readers, the author contributed readers weigh in.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader-driven
contributing readers, make sure you make your announcement of willpower usage before midnight (pst) on friday, june 10th.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader-driven
There is no vote this week but instead i encourage all contributing readers to start getting ready with your contributions; there will be no maximum contribution limit for this, the final opportunity to earn some extra character points for your favorite character
Emotion, Human, Steam Punk, University, Wolf Dog, intrigue
Also, in case you may have missed it, the contribution and voting journal is already up! go there now and vote/contribute if you have not already:https://www.sofurry.com/view/832010
thanks for reading!
Dancing, Dog, Insanity, Royalty, Steam Punk, Wolf, intrigue
Bannihar contributing readers have until wednesday at midnight to declare their stance and utilization. for an example of how to declare stance and utilization, please view the actions taken by the author-contributed characters below.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader driven
For now, contributing readers may vote among on the following:
elesin's reader did not vote during the last post. as this is a reader-contribution story this does go directly against the whole point.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader-driven
contributing readers, each character will be receiving a magical item as a present from valeraisiev. which one boon would you like from your item?
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader-driven
Ally: in addition to the character, a contributing-reader may supply a story-seed/guideline for a secondary character they would like to have included alongside the first.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, interactive, reader-driven
contributing readers now get to choose the way the party will face this situation. banniharian contributing readers each get 1 vote on how to proceed.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader-driven
At this point, a contributing character may also spend a willpower point to influence the direction part three of chapter 1 takes.
Fantasy, Magic, Zion, reader-driven