Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.1 Interviews Before the Test

#21 of final fantasy x-treme final fantasy x-treme by. draven nightly disclaimer: 1 all final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of square enix and do not belong to me. everything else is me and my friends.

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Final Fantasy X-treme - Special - Halloween Mascarade

#12 of final fantasy x-treme disclaimer: 1 all final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of square enix and do not belong to me. every thing else is me and my friends.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.9 - Lost And Found Pt.1 A Trap is Set

And once they are destroyed i will finally have my final use for john onikage." "and what would that be?" john onikage wheezed as he got back to his feet.

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Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.8 - Lifes Leasons In Midgar, Or the Ties That Bind

#14 of final fantasy x-treme disclaimer: 1 all final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of square enix and do not belong to me. every thing else is me and my friends.

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Collared - Epilogue - Abeyance

We're finally here. i posted collared - chapter 1 exactly 3 years ago, on december 18th, 2011. i didn't expect it to take so long to get here, but life got in the way. i want to thank everyone who stuck around through it all.

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My Sword, My Clan 10 - My New Steed

James finally found himself thrown off from the zaghnal, its sudden shoulder jerk hurling him backwards as he landed on his feet ducking before the beast swung a backhand the size of a rock.

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My Sword, My Clan 06 - My First Sermon

One purple, one honey-orange, one pale yellow, one white with purple strains, one pure pink and finally one that was blue with a rainbow palette underlining it.

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My Sword, My Clan 03 - My New Friends

It was at that point the two finally stood up, with dahlia joining them upon realising no one else was coming to the small park for her lecture.

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My Sword, My Clan 01 - My First Mark

Once they finally reached the ground below, the first thing james did was sigh a heavy relief, scrunching up his clawed feet in bliss as the cool green grass washed over his bare feet, humming softly.

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My Sword, My Clan 02 - Our New Home

Today we are finally free of the dreaded baknamy menace, who so cruelly took advantage of our livestock and very means to live.

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My Sword, My Clan 13 - His Destiny's Calling

The streets finally widened out once they reached saccio lane which curled straight along the beach which was mainly barred for civilians.

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My Sword, My Clan 20 - Her Blood-Sin

"oh g-gosh i-...thank you, i'm so happy that i have good friends finally." "finally?"

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