Children of the Earth and Sky 10 - The Warriors of Light

Final fantasy copyrighted to square-enix, lemmings to dma design, oddclaw to me "where do we go first?" asked james.

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My Hero and Me: My Greatest Adventure Ever: Chapter 22: Eric's Birthday

Kimahri ronso belongs to square enix original characters belong to me. my hero and me: my greatest adventure ever: chapter 22: eric's birthday i opened my eyes slowly not moving a muscle in my body.

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My Sword, My Clan 08 - My Fearful Forest Folly

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me the open plains around the east side of lea monde were resplendent with the sun's warmth, warm green grass and not a breeze to chase it away despite its flatland scope.

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Final Fantasy X-Treme Ch.9 - Lost And Found Pt.1 A Trap is Set

#13 of final fantasy x-treme disclaimer: 1 all final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of square enix and do not belong to me. every thing else is me and my friends. **ch.9 lost and found.

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My Sword, My Clan 04 - My Wallet

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me upon arriving at their homebase, the three newcomers were agape in awe at the place.

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Final Fantasy X-treme Ch.17 - Getting Even, Settling Scores

#4 of final fantasy x-treme disclaimer: 1 all final fantasy characters and locations are the exclusive property of square enix and do not belong to me.

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My Sword, My Clan 10 - My New Steed

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me "dahlia?" said baldwin. "yes?" she replied.

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My Sword, My Clan 06 - My First Sermon

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me "what do you think?"

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My Sword, My Clan 09 - My Advice Corner

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me for the last two weeks that james was taking care of the three orphaned fighters, an unexpected visitor had arrived to the grand cathedral of lea monde.

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My Sword, My Clan 05 - My Electrical Revue

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me it was not the first time that fg had been in nabudis for the past four months he had travelled across ivalice. but it always amazed him everytime he visited.

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My Sword, My Clan 02 - Our New Home

Ivalice and its races copyrighted to square-enix, finalgamer to me "so, what's our plan?" asked fg. "we require two things," began navarro.

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My Sword, My Clan 14 - My Old Dearest Friend

Ivalice and all its races copyrighted to square-enix, kremlings to nintendo, finalgamer to me to think that a ghost of his past would come back to haunt him was one thing, but one who was alive in the flesh and grinning with the same wild-eyed look that he

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